Being in the health and fitness area for more than 15 years I’ve come to research and study many different nutritional needs of a healthy body. There’s always going to be different people and different companies telling you that their supplement is the most important. Well I’m here to help you sort through the mess and have come up with my list of the most important and the best bang for your bucks aids to help keep you healthy. Tier 1 is what I consider my most important for general well being. Tier 2 will be ones I believe are still very important but not as important as Tier 1. Tier 3 list will be mostly sports supplements to further your fitness gains. Today we’re starting with Tier 1 nutritional aids and will be giving more information on Tier 2 and 3 in future blogs.
Tier 1: For Overall Better Health
- Fish Oil- anti-inflammatory, pro-joint help. Do I have to tell you how inflamed most of our bodies are nowadays with high stress/toxins everywhere/bad diets? I know we all can agree we need some help in the inflammation department, and Fish Oil(Algal Oil if vegan/Krill Oil if super sensitive to mercury) seems to fit the bill. Systemic inflammation feeds other pathologies such as psoriasis, fatigue, joint point and many other negative symptoms. One of the major contributors to inflammation is omega-6 to omega-3 ratio intake and Fish Oil will help you regulate that..
- Greens Powder- Those few of you that truly eats 5 servings of greens a day can ignore this, but for the other 99.99% of the population this should be a staple also. It isn’t rocket science that adding greens to your diet will help with a plethora of ailments, health issues, and just make you healthier in general. Problem is most of us do not get the required amount to make a difference. Organic greens powder will step in and fulfill the requirement and keep you running on premium gasoline. Get your greens in!
- Vitamin D- “Just go in the sun” they say. It’s been proven that anything more that SPF 8 will block out the important Vitamin D from the sun’s UV rays (and we all know how important sunscreen is, especially for those with light skin). In addition, most foods high in Vitamin D are foods that are not eaten in a normal diet (Fatty Fish, Beef Liver as examples). As you can see, many people are getting way below their recommended daily allowance of Vitamin D, especially us in the Northern Hemisphere away from good sun most of the year. Few reasons why you need Vitamin D? It is great in assisting with sleep help, hormonal help and bone help.
- Probiotic- Gut health is a hot topic and deserves to be. Many leading Dr’s know, and believe, that your health starts and ends in your gut. If your gut health and flora are not happy and balanced, then we are not healthy. And with the advent of “take antibiotics for EVERYTHING” this makes it even more important now than ever before as antibiotics kill the good bacteria in your gut, along with the bad. Few reasons they are good for you and needed: eczema and skin conditions, urinary/vaginal health, allergy/cold help, help after/during taking antibiotics(when needed).