

Funny Friday - Get a Grip

Most gyms ban chalk because of the mess it makes. However, anyone who has lifted anything heavy knows the struggle of being able to hold on to the weights effectively. At Jtab Training, we not only allow chalk, but encourage people to use it. There are straps available, but utilizing them too often won't strengthen your grip or forearm development. The next time you feel your hands slipping, "get a grip" and reach for the chalk instead of the straps.


Funny Friday: Workouts With Water Bottles

What happens when Poland Springs doesn't pick up all the empty water bottles from a personal trainer? You use them to work out of course!

Ok so maybe you don't have 8 empty Poland Spring bottles laying around like we do. However, this is great lesson in using what you have to stay active and in shape! Hope everyone has a great weekend and we'll see you back here on Monday for our move of the week.


Funny Friday: Pick Up a Pen Without Throwing Out Your Back

I know this video is a good laugh, but did you know that 80% of people experience back pain in their lifetime? Did you also know that the #1 cause of back injuries is everyday activity - like picking up a pen off the floor. While it may not seem important, you should always put in the same thought and effort you would put into doing a deadlift at the gym, as you would picking up something light. Tips to keep in mind:

- Bend at the knees and hips
- Keep your core engaged and tight

These two quick things will go a long way towards protecting your lower back and keeping it pain free for the long haul.