home workout


The top at home exercises you shouldn't be doing (plus alternatives)

Today I’m back, and I may be bringing some crushing news for some.

If you’ve been in the gym you’ve probably noticed there are a few “common” exercises that I never include in my programs. Whether it is because most people get the form wrong, or it just trains your body in a counter productive way, these are moves that I try to keep out of the gym and keep away from those working out at home.

These moves are usually very common in home workout programs, and most likely you’ve done them before, a few times. But don’t worry, I’ve provided alternatives you can do to get just as good a workout, without all the bad stuff.

Check them out below! If you have any questions, are unsure about form, or are looking for a more customized at home, or in the gym program, reach out to jtabtraining@gmail.com!


Can’t Gym? Then Home!

If it was hard to get the gym before, it’s almost near impossible now. Between home schooling, lack of childcare, changing work hours and oh yeah, a pandemic, a lot of people either can’t, or aren’t comfortable heading into the gym. While I absolutely understand that, it doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t workout still. As we’ve seen throughout the past few months of shutdowns, our homes can be excellent places to get and stay fit.

There are many benefits to doing a home program, whether you’re utilizing it as a standalone program or a supplement to a heavier gym workout or two. Since most people don’t have heavy weights in their homes, most home workouts utilize light weights, bands or even body weight (and my home program is no exception). To really get results with these light (or lack of weight), we need more volume than we are getting a “regular” gym workout of 30-60 minutes. This mean more reps to fatigue the muscle than you would with heavy weights at the gym.

Ideally, this program would complement a gym routine so you could get a good mix of heavy and light weights. Can’t get to a gym now? Although you will be missing the heavy part, you can still get in good volume at home with JTab’s new Home Program for a great workout. 

1)     All you need is your body and a few bands to get the job done. What job you ask? Gaining muscle mass. That’s right – a home program that helps you gain muscle mass without the heavy weights. “But Joey I’m trying to lose weight!” I hear you but let’s attack weight loss (what we really mean is fat loss here) differently this time. Gaining muscle doesn’t mean you’re going to become huge. In addition, building lean muscle will help reduce fat due to increased calorie burn.

2)     This program is simple, yet effective. This is a program that they doesn’t require a Master’s Degree in Kinesiology first. It also doesn’t utilize a million exercises or muscle confusion. Doing a very few exercises correctly and intensely can provide great results.

3)     This program is done for you, so you don’t have to think, just do! Take a break from the million other things you have to manage during the day and just move your body.

4)     Jtab’s Home Program has videos to follow if you need them so you can ensure perfect form.

The results will come when you do the program the way it’s designed and stay CONSISTENT!

Message me for more details!  


Your Glutes Can Take a Shit Ton of Pounding: Are Your Glutes REALLY Strong?

Last week I was under the barbell doing glute bridges, taking a break after one of the 8 sets of 15 reps I was set  up to do that day of them. It got me thinking; How many reps was I doing? (120 to be exact) And how much total poundage (lbs) was I glute bridging? (around 24,750lbs combined, just on my glutes)

Now this may not be the norm for most people, but it really made me think that our glutes can handle some serious work (at least 12 tons in my case!).

Why am I bringing this up? Not every muscle can withstand a total beating like this. The glutes can. If you do too much quad work you can get an imbalance that might lead to back pain. If you do too much chest work you might get an imbalance that can lead to shoulder pain. The glutes (and the upper back) are muscles that can take a lot of work.

A big part of allowing your glutes to carry a heavy load without pain is proper stretching. Tightness in the lower body can often be attributed to hip flexors, and most of the tightness in lower body can be alleviated by stronger glutes. A very smart person once told me “Your hip flexors are stupid, just get your glutes stronger”.

Most people have tight hip flexors and constantly stretching them out is not the only answer. There might be a reason they are always tight (like your Glutes are WEAK). They are one of the major muscle groups that can, and probably should, get extra attention and extra work. They don’t need their own day (although some fitness competitors actually have a glute day) but definitely can take some extra hard work. And by work I mean heavy intense glute bridges, tons of lateral walks, and single leg glute bridges (among others).

Who doesn’t like a nice set of big strong glutes? The extra glute work you put in now will pay dividends in  the fall when it comes to filling out your jeans and leggings. I don’t know a single person that doesn’t want, or appreciate, and nice set of glutes. They make all the difference in your physique when you have a nice set.

So as we melt into the gym floor, let’s not forget that our glutes NEED and CAN HANDLE a shit ton of pounding and really get after them in the weight room. Add in some glute bridges, hip thrusts, and lateral band walks, and be sure to do high reps to make up for maximum toning. These three exercises in particular will work the glutes but not tax the hamstrings or quads as much. This means the glutes will get extra work from all the deadlifts, squats, lunges you are already doing… which I  know you are doing them already, right?


Jtab Training: 2020 News, Updates and Classes

1) Jtab Superhero 3 Day a Week Program is online for sale! $60/month, there are 4 total months worth of progressive power, strength, and functional muscle building workouts! If you start the beginning of January by end of April/beginning of May you will have a killer Superhero Body for Summer! Nutrition will be an additional service but discounted if you buy the Superhero Program. I will send you videos each month or coach you up on the lifts for the month when you purchase. The price reflects that coaching.

2) Speaking of Nutrition consults, I am available off hours for Nutritional Coaching one on one and soon will have group nutrition sessions.

3) Superhero Class will start up again on Sundays, 11am-12pm. Drop-ins are welcome, at least 1-3 months previous lifting experience is required but I can tailor it to intermediate (there are actually very few advanced lifters around, I wouldn't even be considered advanced). Price is $10/person. If you bring in 2 or more people I will give you a discount on your class.

4) Men's Power Hour will resume Wednesdays (starting January 8th). 7pm-8pm. This will be a 4 week package class, $40/per month. If you miss a class, it's on you to make it up during the week). Any additional info on this please message me directly.

5) I will take a few more online coaching clients. I will customize a program to fit your gym/home setup and ability. The next few clients will be $100/month if you sign up for 6 months.

6) I have a few more spots for in house training. This is where I have eyes on you and can coach each set and keep you progressing the way you should be. It is all semi-private training. First appointment is an assessment $60, then training is monthly "memberships" of $110/4 (once a week), $180/8 (twice a week), $235/12 (three times a week). I have not raised my in-Jtab prices since the get-go.

My prices for professional training and services are beyond super "cheap". I've had many people tell me I should be charging more, twice, three times as much. Although I know I should be, I don't so you WIN if you take that opportunity and train with me. You will not regret it! I've trained hundreds if not a thousand or two people and they will ALL tell you I'm worth it. Isn't it time to start investing in your health? 2020 can be the year you get in the BEST shape of your life or just another year you "get by" and sludge through it feeling weak, not able to do the things you really want to, not feeling confident at the beach, not being the best you, not living your best life as the kids say nowadays.. the choice is yours, all you have to do is be willing to put in the work and let me Coach you!


Your One-Stop Fitness and Nutrition Coach

Nowadays everyone like the one stop shop idea, cause everyone is super busy with life. Between the internet, social media, and binging Netflix our days are chock full. So a one stop shop for your fitness would be a great idea, right? Well if you go into your local favorite strength facility and work with a good strength coach, you get that…. Let me explain.

Strength coaches aren’t just useful when it comes to picking up heavy things. We’re also good at a few others:

1)    We make you strong(er)..  duhhh. That’s the obvious one so we will start here. Tendons, ligaments, bones, muscles, all connective tissues will become strong(er) using a simple progressive overload principle that most strength coaches employ.

2)    We help with Mobility/Yoga Flexibility. Would you believe me if I said stretching/moving through a range of motion under load is more beneficial than just stretching normally? It’s amazing when people say they are more mobile/looser after strength training. We also include some “traditional” stretches before you start or in between your heavy lifts to put the icing on the flexibility cake!

3)   We give you power. Why do we need power as we get older? We are not playing HS sports anymore, so it’s not important, right? Absolutely wrong and maybe more wrong than you think. Adults need MORE power work than HS athletes that have optimal power output due to their younger age. We lose power as we age, which is super important to try to maintain. Power output will help you go up stairs, help you catch yourself from falling down, and help you keep up with your Grandkids as best as you can. It also lets you create lots of “energy” or “force” with what you muscle you have. Power also helps with elasticity of your tendons and muscles. It helps your muscles bounce back and power forward when you have to go up multiple stairs or do multiples of the same movement.

4)    We teach you nutrition basics. There is tons of nutrition “info” out there but it can be really confusing. There are also many people that aren’t totally sure what a carb/protein/fat macronutrients are and why each one is important for proper health. That is where a Strength Coach comes in. How can you expect to eat “healthy” if you have no idea what to eat or what’s the best for your goals? We can go over the basics while lifting to get you a some great knowledge of how to fuel your body. If you want more info or a custom plan we can sit down together and map it out. Start with knowing the basics and it will lead to better nutritional health right away!

5)    We get you some great cardio work. Look no further than some finishers from your local strength coach AFTER you lift for your strength and hypertrophy work. Or you can include/count your hypertrophy work as your cardio if done correctly for more conditioning emphasis. Either way, a good Coach should be able to give you enough conditioning work for general fitness while still keeping it under your time constraints/needs. If you are training for a marathon or long race, it might need to be longer on some days keep in mind but for general “cardio” health it can and should be able to be completed within 15 minutes of your strength work.

Ready to dive in? Shoot Coach Joey an email at jtabtraining@gmail.com to schedule a time to come in!


Diet and Training or is it Training and Diet?

Which one is more important?

Age old question asked and answered by many different fitness and nutrition professionals. So, I figured I would take a crack at it. There are a few different people:

Some tend to want to “just” go go go and not focus on diet or use food as a reward for all the hard work they’ve put in. Sometimes they feel that working out gives them a license to eat whatever they want. However, chances are you won’t find them on the cover of a fitness magazine anytime soon. As the great Strength Coach Mike Boyle says “You can’t out train a bad diet”.  

Some “diet” yet don’t want to “sweat” or lift any weights or only see exercise needed for athletes. These people will probably lose muscle mass (and trust me you want to keep and make as much of it as you humanely can!) by not taxing the muscles to at least stay strong and big. As we all know, “Muscle burns more than fat!”

Coach Joey has a pecking order for overall health. It is as follows:

1)     Strength Train 2-4 times a week. This will tell your body that you “need” the muscle you already have and encourage some new muscle hypertrophy (growth) to be able to keep moving the way you want and stay active for years to come

2)     Keep your protein high for 2 main reasons…. Higher protein will help you keep muscle and aid muscle hypertrophy. It also serves as a satiety trigger which is super important because if you don’t feel full or satisfied you WILL overeat and probably gain lots of fat. Having trouble getting in the right amount of protein? Consider an Amino drink or chewable pills. It provides you with all the amino acids. You can find my favorite, and the best cleanest ones are here: Amino Pills + Amino Powder

3)     Get your phytos in! Vitamins and Minerals from food first then supplement when needed. Fruits, veggies make up your phyto nutrients. For now don’t worry about how much (although 5 servings of fruit at a time might be a little too much for most). Veggies as much as possible as long as each vegetable isn’t covered in cheese sauce (toppings add lots of unnecessary calories). This will help ensure your body functions properly and overall health is optimized. Not getting all your phytos in? Consider an organic greens powder to drink to fill in gaps.

4)     Make sure you move each and every day (and no getting in and out of the car doesn’t count as movement haha). Should be Yoga, walking, light stretching, basketball game or similar, cardio strength circuit, etc) This will not only burn a few extra calories but will also keep you mobile and encourage your body to keep joints mobile and strong.

5)     Calories NEED to match your activity level and your level of fitness. It also has to match your body composition currently. Example a super muscular person probably needs more calories than the person with the same height and weight that thinks playing video games is a strenuous form of activity.

To answer the question, like most things in life is a good balance of exercise and “diet”. Just don’t be all one sided if you want a balanced healthy body.


Hip Mobility

Today I’ve got a few different exercises and stretches for you to do to increase your hip mobility, loosen your hips, and set your self up for better squats in the future. Increasing your hip mobility can also help protect your lower back and relieve back pain, as well as increase athletic performance. Check them out below!


High Step Ups

While I was injured I had to get creative with exercises.  I couldn't do heavy traditional lifts so I increased intensity with range of motion with a high step up. This is a great exercise to stretch out the hips, increase range of motion and work your quads, glutes, hamstrings and calves. Make sure your knee starts above hips to create that deep squat feel.  You don't need heavy weights with this particular exercise, as the intensity is the range of motion.   


The Ultimate At-Home Leg Workout

I’m all for a crazy heavy weight training workout but sometimes you just can’t get to the gym but want to get a great workout in.  You will be hard pressed to find a better home based leg exercise than the split squat. 

Here my client Charlotte demonstrates a slightly advanced version for people that have the mobility and strength.  It is called the Front Foot Elevated Split Squat.  This exercise fries your quads and glutes and gives you a great stretch in your hips.  If you can not do this variation you can simply omit the box(step) in front and have your front foot on the ground.  Give it a try and get those legs cranking!  Start out with low reps but once you mastered your form pump those reps upwards to 15-20 each leg!  Do a few sets of high rep split squats once or twice a week and you will notice your legs becoming stronger and leaner!