I am getting ready to embark on a 7-10 Day transformation with organic nutrition from Purium - and I want you to join me! Don't go it alone. I will be ready to coach and work with 6 people that want to start a transformation alongside me! I am planning on starting Wednesday the 23th of August, just in time to be done for Labor Day Weekend if you choose 7 Days.
People ask why Purium? Well in my humble opinion it is the best organic nutrition that is convenient and easy to use. Sure, cooking organic meals every few hours is ideal, but who has time for that? Even stay-at-home moms, or people working from home, usually do not have that kind of time. Purium allows you to be on “the go” and still get the best of the best nutrition in your cells - fitting in much easier into our busy schedules.
While the cleanse lasts 7 or 10 days, the "transformation" is really what happens to your body in the days, weeks and months following it. It will help make you crave good, non processed nutrition (instead of those late night chip cravings) during the 10 days. After it you will want to continue down the non-processed, mostly organic path. Your taste buds will change by eating only organic fruits and veggies alongside Purium’s organic nutrition. After the 10 Days you will want to continue using Purium’s great nutrition for a meal or two just because it is simple, organic nutrition that is a no-brainer. It will free up many hours during the week of not having to cook or prepare meals. Also, in the age and day of “cleanses, detoxs” where companies put IN chemicals and fillers, processed crap, and ingredients that make your hormones worse, isn’t it great to know that there is a company like Purium that actually has organic nutrition with no chemicals and inferior ingredients in it?
- What is entailed in the transformation? Purium= Pure and Premium and that is what you get with each and every piece of nutrition from them. The big components are a greens power shake (for your carbs, greens, energy), amino pills (for your protein requirements, can be chewed or swallowed), cherry night time drink (for additional antioxidants and help sleeping naturally), and a few other items if you need (greens spectrum lemon for additional greens, veggie support, post workout nutrition support if lifting weights during).
- What is it exactly? It is an eating plan designed to rid the body of sweet cravings, excess sugar, gmo ingredients(as long as flex foods are organic), excess bad fats, reduce inflammation in body, reduce bodyfat, reduce toxins in body and re-energize your body.
I can go on and on about how pure and premium Purium’s nutrition is but I will make this short. If you have any questions about it please contact me at jtabtraining@gmail.com or through Facebook or my cell phone (401) 529-5089.