
Move of the Week: Renegade Rows into Shoulder Press

Today's move is a killer... a total body killer that is. These 2 exercises are a great combination that can be done at home with some light dumbbells. By combining the two exercises you're going to get a great shoulder, back, core AND glute exercise to leave your entire body feeling tight and toned.

The first is a Renegade Row that is perfect for your core and upper back. Remember to keep your abs tight and your back flat as you pull the weights up and back. Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you pull the weight back to really work your upper back.

The second workout is a Kneeling Press. Keep your glutes and core engaged as you push the weights up over your head to really work the top of your shoulders. If you're feeling strain you can put your hands in a more neutral grip to take pressure off your shoulders.

Fitness Fitness Everywhere Yet No Where To Be Found

So here I was sitting in a cafe/bar in downtown EG Saturday night (where all the cool people hang out at night apparently).  Next to me were mid-aged couples chatting and then my ears perked up when I heard them talk about the gym and "working out".  I tend to eavesdrop everytime I hear people talk about fitness, nutrition or "da gym" to see what their perception of fitness is.  I do this obviously since it's my career/job/thing that I do during the day to pay the bills (just kidding it's my passion and love).  This was just the latest time, and while it' is a usual occurrence, I find myself still frustrated with many's lack of fitness or "real knowledge" of what they should be doing or eating for optimal health. 

Before I go any further, any type of "fitness" is usually better than no "fitness" at all and I'm all for anything that gets people moving freely without injury.  My struggle comes from people not getting results when they spend their time doing some type of activity.  This is the reason behind why I started my gym Jtab Training 5 years ago this month.  I wanted to change the map of fitness in NK/EG where it was mostly ruled by treadmills at the local YMCA and other "gyms" nearby.  Strength training took a backseat to cardio and I really felt it needed to step up and come to the forefront.  (I won't  get into all the benefits of strength vs cardio right now, that's another blog for another time). 

I know that strength training is going to show better results of fat loss/body composition/better living in way less time.  After all, don't most people "workout" to look and feel better? ( If there is another main reason, I'd like to know!)  Small studios/gyms like Jtab Training (that follow the same philosophies that I do) offer the best bang for your fitness buck. This is where you'll find trainers that will  spend most of your time working on strength and mobility/stability to look and feel better.  It is with this type of training that you are going to see better results, more quickly vs. simply goes to walk/run on the treadmill for the same amount of time.  Gyms like Jtab Training offer way more than just putting you on a fitness routine (there are soo many programs in magazines to follow nowadays).  The major benefit is fine tuning a routine for YOUR fitness level which will give you the most bang for your buck each and every time you enter the studio.  Also with semi-private/small group sessions, the mantra of "personal training is SOO expensive" doesn't exist.  We created a system that can be afforded and used by most anyone and everyone here! 

If your fitness routine needs a tune up and/or major overhaul, please feel free to contact me here!  I would love to get you started on the strength training path to optimal health and fitness!


Amy Does Purium: Day 5

I've FINALLY made it! It's the final day and I couldn't be more excited.

I have to say, it definitely got easier as the days went by. Day 3 was the hardest by far. The first few days were filled with motivation and the fact that it was something new. During the last 2, I found that I was getting tired of the routine, but the cravings had subsided some and I didn't want to dive into a large bowl of pasta as much as I before. It was getting through Day 3 that was the toughest challenge, and the hardest to stick through.

Coming out on the other end of this, I have to say, I'm definitely glad I did it. It was one of the hardest things I've done, but I came out feeling healthier (and a few pounds down!) As tempting as it is to now reach for the snacks and desserts I was craving so much over the past 5 days, I know it's important to continue to make smart choices in the future if I want to stay feeling as good and to keep the weight off. 

This isn't right for everyone. I know doing something like this may seem extreme for a lot of people. But I know myself. Once I start falling into those poor eating habits, it's really hard for me to break them. It takes a total reset to get my willpower and desire to be healthy back. For me, this was exactly what I needed to stop spiraling down the rabbit hole. 

So, as the end of the day I'm happy, feeling healthy and feeling like I'm headed in a more positive direction. Plus I'm a little bit skinnier, so I must say - Mission Accomplished!

Final Stats

Weight: 137.2 (down 3lbs! Wooo!)
Waist: 28 inches
Hips: 35 inches
Arms: 11 inches
Legs: 19.5 inches


Amy Does Purium: Day 4

Today I came head-to-head with my nemesis... donuts... Have I mentioned my love for donuts before? They are everything to me. They are the perfect combination of sweet and savory, fried and frosted. They are heaven here on earth. I don't care the flavor, size or topping. I love them all. In fact, my stomach is growling right now just thinking about it. 

I was feeling pretty good and confident this morning when I woke up. I wasn't as ravenously hungry as I was yesterday, and I was starting to get used to the routine (if a little sick of it). I had some meetings this morning and didn't manage to get to the office until the early afternoon. I walked into the kitchen area to make my shake and on the way spotted the one thing that has the power to undo me. A box of donuts.

It took every ounce of willpower I had to not eat one of them (and I didn't) but don't ever doubt that I didn't think about them all afternoon. They consumed my brain, and were all I could talk or think about for the rest of the afternoon.

Now that I'm removed from the offending donut situation, I'm feeling slightly better and not feeling so obsessive. However, I am feeling like I'm ready for this to be over. While I know this is helping me lose weight and reset my cravings, I do miss variety in my diet. But, I only have one day left (did you hear that, one day!!) so I'm going to hold strong and make it through to the end.


Amy Does Purium: Day 3

Don't you just hate unsolicited advice? I got some today that pushed my buttons a little bit.

At a meeting with a vendor I ran into a trainer from South County that I met for the first time. In the course of our conversation, my business partner brought up the Purium cleanse I'm currently participating in. I immediately cringed as she launched into all the horrible side effects of restricting your diet and how it's not the right way to lose weight or get healthy. She had no previous knowledge of me, my diet, or exercise routine, but felt the need to tell me the "appropriate" way to go about losing weight. I hate telling people (especially other people in the health industry) about anything I choose to do with health or exercise because everyone has an opinion... and quite frankly... I'm sick of hearing it.

I get it, when you seriously reduce your food intake it can have negative side effects. A severe reduction in calories and nutrients can lead to a slower metabolism, decreased muscle mass, fatigue, dizziness, low blood pressure and headaches. What's even more, the second you start eating larger amounts of calories again, any weight you did lose can just comes flying right back on.

But here's the difference between what I'm doing with Purium and what happens during some of these other cleanses. While I am seriously restricting my diet and reducing my caloric intake, I'm making sure my body gets the nutrients it needs to still function at a high level. On a daily basis I consume: 3 shakes, 1 piece of grilled chicken, 1 organic apple and a few different types of vitamins. The food along gives me daily:

Calories: about 600
Protein: 83 grams
Carbs: 43 grams
100% of daily vitamins including Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Iron, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12 and Zinc.

Besides that, the vitamins include a Vegan protein supplement, a hormone balancer and a supplement that protects your muscles and skin from damage. 

On top of that I'm continuing to lift and exercise like I regularly would, keeping my metabolism high and my muscle mass up. 

So, what's the point in all that? While I am hungry, I'm not hurting myself. I'm giving my body all the nutrients it needs, while losing some fat, resetting my taste buds, shrinking my appetite and reducing some of my "bad" cravings (like sugar and carbs).  Poor eating habits can be tough to break, so by doing something dramatic like this reset, I am breaking those habits and coming back to a healthier lifestyle. The goal is to no longer crave the "bad" food, and make better choices moving forward.

So while I understand that this isn't right for everyone, it is right for me at this time in my life. And while I appreciate that everyone has their own opinion, I think sometimes it's better to keep them to yourself. Or maybe that's just the hunger talking...


Amy Does Purium: Day 2

Ahh Day 2. Still feeling the motivation that you have at the beginning of any diet, but definitely beginning to feel overwhelmed. I'm hungry, and the idea of 3 more days of this is a little much for me right now.

Like any other day, the morning/early afternoon were easy for me. I tend to not really eat a lot in the morning (except for a protein shake and a piece of fruit), so this isn't really a challenge for me. I even felt good and energized during my workout this morning.  Then 2pm hit....

I was hungry and exhausted. The tired part I know is coming from the fact that I've cut out my normal daily IV of caffeine. My regular 3-4 cups of coffee has been stipped to one morning cup only. And yes, I know I'm not supposed to be having any but unless you want me to turn into a violent, rage monster, you'll let me have my one cup of coffee.

The hungry part was a little tougher to deal with. Late afternoon into the evening is the time that I normally eat. And when I mean eat I mean I snack, eat dinner, and then snack again. And today was no exception. After my afternoon shake I found myself wandering around the kitchen, opening up the fridge and pantry and just staring at all the food I couldn't eat.

But, all that said, I think (I hope) I'm going to be ok. I think I'm going to be able to make it through another day. Instead of looking at the 3 days I have left (really? 3 whole days?) I'm trying to look at it each day, and meal, at a time. If I look at it as a whole it's too overwhelming. If I look at it as just getting through the next 2 hours before I can have a shake or piece of fruit again, it really makes the entire situation much more bearable. 

Being hungry isn't going to kill me. I'm getting all the nutrients my body needs and I'm fueling it property, even if that comes with a serious reduction in calories. Now, can someone just tell my stomach that?



Amy Does Purium: Day 1

So Day 1 is always the easiest. You're motivated, you're excited and you've only been doing it for a short time. You can do anything for a short time.

When I jumped in this morning I was a little hesitant. Like I mentioned yesterday, I attempted this cleanse before and failed miserably on day 2. The real issue that last time? I hated the shakes.

Now, I know it's supposed to be all natural, and our tastebuds are used to processed sugars and flavors. I know that if I stuck with it through a few days I probably would eventually become indifferent to the taste. But also as I mentioned yesterday, I don't like a lot of foods, and if I don't like it, I don't eat it. So after a few days of forcing the shakes down, I just couldn't do it any more. I felt like I gave it a good run, but just couldn't do another day.

This time I opted for the "kids" version, which is essentially all the same vitamins and minerals but with a chocolate flavor that kids prefer. Considering chicken fingers and grilled cheeses are a main staple in my diet, I figured this was pretty appropriate. 

So needless to say, tasting the first shake this morning was a big deal. I had every finger and toe crossed hoping that the taste would be at least bearable. And guess what? It was actually good! I was shocked by how much I actually didn't dislike it. It tasted like any other chocolate protein shake I've ever had before. What a relief! 

Now that I was all good with the shake, the first day went pretty smoothly. The night is always tougher for me (it's my snack time), so I'm struggling a little bit with being hungry now. But like I mentioned above, it's Day 1, so the will power is still there. Here's hoping it continues to Day 2!

Amy Does Purium: Prologue

So tomorrow I begin my 5 day Purium cleanse and to be honest, I'm freaking out a little. Let me break it down for you.

Is Purium healthy? The healthiest. Does it help you detox and cleanse your system of all those nasty things you eat (or in my case, drink) in any given week? You bet. Does it include all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and protein you need to fuel your body and run at top performance? Sure thing. Is it all natural and organic so you're not putting harmful chemicals in your body? Mmmhmmm. Are any of these the reason why I'm doing it? Absolutely not.

Let's get real. I'm doing this because I want to be skinny. Since I was old enough to start comparing my body to those in magazines, I've wanted to be skinny. Whether I was at my heaviest (middle school is the worst) or my lightest (getting married is a good motivator), I've always wanted to be skinnier. 

I think I have the working out part down. I know that lifting heavy objects twice a week (thanks Joey) helps raise my metabolism and create fat burning muscle. In between that I'm pretty consistent in making sure I move throughout the day, go on walks and always take the stairs. I've figured that out. It's the diet part that I have a problem with. And here's why:

Things I enjoy eating:

  • Donuts
  • Ice cream
  • Crunchy things
  • Salty things
  • Fried things
  • Did I mention donuts?

Things I don't enjoy eating:

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Basically anything that's not on the list above

So now that you know the backstory, let's go back to the beginning. Here's why I'm freaking out. Clearly, I don't like healthy things and I want to be skinny. I tried the Purium cleanse before and failed miserably halfway through day 2. Am I painting a clear picture for you?

Let me get a little clearer for you. This is what I'm supposed to sustain on for 5 days. FIVE WHOLE DAYS worth of food is sitting right there. Are you kidding me!?

But I know something must be done. With the nice weather comes BBQ's, winery tours and nights out with friends. All of that over indulgence means those skinny jeans are feeling really tight. The breaking point came a few weekends ago when my super stretchy legging-like jeans felt so tight that I had to sit with them unbuttoned at the dinner table. Ugh.

So maybe my true motivator behind this cleanse makes me seem vain and shallow. But who cares? At least I'm going about this in a way that's healthy for my body and not detrimental. And if you're really honest with yourself, seeing the inches and pounds shed off is the best part of any diet. Looking in the mirror and liking what you see is what really gets you excited and pushes you through the hard parts.

Below are my starting stats. And yes, I am publishing this for everyone to see (kill me now...) because I know it will help me stay accountable, and honest, and really see the results (if any). So, here we go!

Current Stats:
Weight: 140.6 - UGH!
Waist - 28.5 inches
Hips - 35 inches
Arms - 11.5 inches
Legs - 21 inches


Move of the Week: Ball Roll Out/Walk Out

Today's Move-of-the-Week takes the plank to a whole new level. Using the instability of a ball (or walking out if you don't have one) it forces your core, shoulders and glutes to work harder to keep you balanced. This move is great for an awesome core workout, as well as shoulder stability and glute strength.

Tips to Keep In Mind:

  • Keep your knees, hips and shoulders in line
  • Keep your core tight
  • Pull down using your lats to move back and forth


Move of the Week: Hard "Core" Ab Exercise

Ok we're not "ducking" around any more (thanks autocorrect!). Summer is basically around the corner and we're working the abs today to get ready for it. Today's Core Exercise is all about rocking the plank PLUS getting a nice hip stretch while doing it. You know we love double duty workouts and today is no exception.

Tips to Keep in Mind:

  • Keep core tight and engaged the entire time
  • Do NOT rock your hips while getting up. Keep your body straight.
  • Pull your knee up for a nice hip stretch


Move of the Week: Bird Dog

Ok, who doesn't love an all over workout in one move? Want something even better? This full body workout move can be done at home! As in, inside your house where no one needs to see you.

Today's move is call the Bird Dog. This move rocks your core and glutes as well as focuses on shoulder stability and strength. Can you get any better than that?

Tips to Keep in Mind

  • Keep your core tight and your lower back flat
  • Keep your toes pointed down throughout the movement
  • Keep your body flat and level as you push your leg and opposite arm out


Move of the Week: Scalp Push-up to Downward Dog

Tank top season is right around the corner and today's move is all about showing off those arms and shoulders. This double move (Scalp Push-up into a Downward Dog) helps with shoulder stability and lubrication which allows for better movement, posture and a more defined back. Can it get any better than that?!

Things to Keep in Mind:

  • Keep your core tight throughout the entire movement
  • During the scalp push-up keep your elbows locked and squeeze your shoulder blades together
  • Push your hips up and back during Downward Dog to stretch hips and shoulders

Move of the Week: Leg Circuit

It's so beautiful out today that we decided to get outside and enjoy the sunshine! Since the weather is FINALLY warming up, today's move actually consists of 3 different exercises put together into a circuit. (Hey, short season will be here quicker than you think, so you'll be thanking me later). In this "Move of the Week" we're combining squats, lunges and jumping to get your heart racing, fat melting and your butt high and tight!

Tips to Keep In Mind:

  • Keep your knees pointed out
  • Keep your abs and core tight and engaged
  • Keep your chest tall
  • Stay back on your heels
  • When jumping, land softly
  • If jumping is too hard on your knees you can sub out for mini step-up (on a box or ledge) or more lunges
  • Attempt 8-10 of each exercise per circuit


Move of the Week: Full Body Warmup/Stretch

Warming up and stretching can be one of the things that many people forget about. Usually they rush right into their workout, without giving their muscles and body time to stretch out, and prepare for the work ahead. Today's move is a great all over stretch and warm up that won't take up too much of your exercise time. This move stretches out your hip flexors and gets your blood pumping, while working your thoracic mobility, shoulder stability and hamstring flexibility. It really is an all-in-one warm up!


Move of the Week: Floor Slides

Have you ever gotten up after a long day of sitting over your computer and felt the tension in your upper back and shoulders? In this day and age technology rules our lives. We're constantly hunching over our computers, phones and tablets. This bad posture for long periods of time leads to rounded shoulders and pain in the upper back. This week's move focuses on opening up the chest and shoulders to help relieve tension and improve posture.

Tips to Keep in Mind:

  • Keep your legs up and your lower back flat on the floor
  • Press your shoulder blades, elbows and hands into the floor
  • Move up and down, pressing your shoulder blades together


Worst Named Exercises(and how they can actually create bad form)

Spring is here and we have many people getting into weight lifting for many different reasons.  Selecting the right exercise is very important if you want to reach a specific goal. Because of this the weight lifting industry has advanced and created many new exercises. It may be 2016, but we still have many great exercises that have horrible names attached to them.  Some so bad they even take a great exercise and create bad form just from the name alone. When this happens how are people supposed to exercise correctly?  Many people don’t have or use good form as it is, never mind when they are going by a title of an exercise that creates bad habits.  Luckily for you, I will go through some of the more common “mis-named” exercise and explain the "whys" and how to do them correctly. 

1)      Chest Supported Rows-  Whenever I give this to a client (and I do it all the time ‘cause it’s a GREAT exercise with a HORRIBLE name!), I always correct the name to call it instead: “ribcage supported row”.  I know, a lot less “sexy” of a name, but it would actually get people to get into better position. Here is why chest supported row gets people into bad posture.  If they assume the position of the name then they are really laying on their chest and starting the exercise in an anteriorly positioned(hunched over/forward leaning/chest slouched) posture. This is bad for the body (and is not so comfy for females I might add).  The whole goal of any(most) exercise, especially an upper back exercise, is to create and favor good posture(shoulders back/chest tall).  When done correctly, this exercise increases strength in upper back(lats and rhomboids) to keep you in better anatomical postural position. 

Lying on my "chest", wait isn't that what I'm supposed to do? After all it's called a chest supported row!  This exercise thing is soo confusing! 

Ahhh, much better with my "ribcage" supported row. 

Ahhh, much better with my "ribcage" supported row. 


2) Chin-Ups- I’m not going to lie and say I thought of a better name all by myself. But us trainers are all “borrowers” of different ideas and names at times.  Again, this is another GREAT exercise usually done with bad form just ‘cause of the name given to it.  This back exercise is designed to create better posture but can actually create worse posture if done incorrectly.  Please do not follow the name of the exercise.  A chin up would make one believe they have to get their chin up or above the bar or extend the neck just to get their chin up higher.  This will put a lot of tension on your neck while under lots of pressure (bodyweight load) and usually leave you with a pain in the neck (see what I did there?).  As I try to cue most exercises to keep head and chin neutral, thinking about my name for this exercise would probably get you back in the right position.  A better name or cue would be to call these “chest ups” instead of “chin ups”.  This will keep you in better posture during the exercise and will keep your neck out of the exercise.

"Chin-Up", right?  Wrong! 

"Chin-Up", right?  Wrong! 

Ahhhhh, the "chest-up".  Got it now!  

Ahhhhh, the "chest-up".  Got it now! 



Move Monday: Clamshells

This week we're hitting the glutes again - because who doesn't want a tight butt? Today's move uses an exercise band that you can purchase for about $1-$2 at most major fitness stores. As an added bonus, this move helps you ward off knee and back pain AND assists you in performing better at other exercises in the gym like squats, lunges and deadlifts. Not bad for just the floor and a band!

Things To Keep In Mind:

  • Keep your spine long and straight
  • Push your hand into the floor to keep from rocking
  • Use JUST your glutes to move your kneed of the floor
  • Squeeze your abs to stabilize your upper body


Move Monday - Glute Bridges on a Box

Who doesn't want to work their booty? Today's move is one that works your glutes and your hamstrings to lift and tighten. This move is done up on a box but can be done on any platform around your house like a stair, ottoman or small stool. If you do have an exercise band at home, putting it around your knees gives you that little extra oomph to tone and tighten even more.

Things to Remember

  • Move your glutes as close to the box as possible
  • Keep your lower back flat and straight
  • Keep your glutes and hamstrings tight and engaged
  • Keep your core pulled in and tight
  • Keep your knees pushed out and straight so they aren't falling in towards eachother


Move Monday - Plank Threesome

With temperatures reaching the mid 60's this week it has us thinking about the summer and bathing suit season. In order to get ready for the warm weather, today we have a plank threesome that is guaranteed to get your core (and the rest of your body) burning. This is a  combination of three different moves including a rocking plank, side-to-side plank, and hip rotational plank to work all sides of your core

Tips to Keep in Mind:

  • Keep your core engaged and tight
  • Keep your quads and glutes tight
  • Keep your head straight
  • When moving your hips always return back to home before moving to the other side.


Move Monday - Ball Leg Curl

Ah it's Monday again and after a weekend of fun, it's time to get back to business. Today's move is all about just that - business. This move utilizes an exercise ball (which most people already have in their house) to work 3 main areas - core, glutes and hamstrings. 

Things to Keep In Mind:

  • Make sure your feet are pointed up and facing the sky
  • Keep your core engaged
  • Don't excessively arch your lower back
  • Keep your palms facing up 
  • Press your shoulder blades into the ground