
Diet and Training or is it Training and Diet?

Which one is more important?

Age old question asked and answered by many different fitness and nutrition professionals. So, I figured I would take a crack at it. There are a few different people:

Some tend to want to “just” go go go and not focus on diet or use food as a reward for all the hard work they’ve put in. Sometimes they feel that working out gives them a license to eat whatever they want. However, chances are you won’t find them on the cover of a fitness magazine anytime soon. As the great Strength Coach Mike Boyle says “You can’t out train a bad diet”.  

Some “diet” yet don’t want to “sweat” or lift any weights or only see exercise needed for athletes. These people will probably lose muscle mass (and trust me you want to keep and make as much of it as you humanely can!) by not taxing the muscles to at least stay strong and big. As we all know, “Muscle burns more than fat!”

Coach Joey has a pecking order for overall health. It is as follows:

1)     Strength Train 2-4 times a week. This will tell your body that you “need” the muscle you already have and encourage some new muscle hypertrophy (growth) to be able to keep moving the way you want and stay active for years to come

2)     Keep your protein high for 2 main reasons…. Higher protein will help you keep muscle and aid muscle hypertrophy. It also serves as a satiety trigger which is super important because if you don’t feel full or satisfied you WILL overeat and probably gain lots of fat. Having trouble getting in the right amount of protein? Consider an Amino drink or chewable pills. It provides you with all the amino acids. You can find my favorite, and the best cleanest ones are here: Amino Pills + Amino Powder

3)     Get your phytos in! Vitamins and Minerals from food first then supplement when needed. Fruits, veggies make up your phyto nutrients. For now don’t worry about how much (although 5 servings of fruit at a time might be a little too much for most). Veggies as much as possible as long as each vegetable isn’t covered in cheese sauce (toppings add lots of unnecessary calories). This will help ensure your body functions properly and overall health is optimized. Not getting all your phytos in? Consider an organic greens powder to drink to fill in gaps.

4)     Make sure you move each and every day (and no getting in and out of the car doesn’t count as movement haha). Should be Yoga, walking, light stretching, basketball game or similar, cardio strength circuit, etc) This will not only burn a few extra calories but will also keep you mobile and encourage your body to keep joints mobile and strong.

5)     Calories NEED to match your activity level and your level of fitness. It also has to match your body composition currently. Example a super muscular person probably needs more calories than the person with the same height and weight that thinks playing video games is a strenuous form of activity.

To answer the question, like most things in life is a good balance of exercise and “diet”. Just don’t be all one sided if you want a balanced healthy body.


It's Glute Season!

It’s summer, which means it’s shorts and bathing suit season. With more skin exposed, everyone wants a nice pair of glutes, right? Everything about Summer screams glutes. And you either have been building them all year or not. Even if you haven’t been, Coach Joey has you covered for a quick but effective Glute Workout you can do all at home! It might even leave you breathing heavier and get some fat burning effect. The video below will show you the sequence of moves to get those glutes you want for the Summertime!

1a) Squats 10

1b) Lateral Walks 10 Left/10 Right

1c) Forward Sweep Steps 10 Left and 10 Right

1d) Backwards Sweep Steps 10 Left and 10 Right

1e) Squats 10

Do 2-5 circuits a few times a week and you’re glutes will be ready for the beach, pool party, or just wearing shorts!

Need the band that is in the video? Click this link and order it right from Jtab’s Favorites on Amazon! 


Protein, Protein Everywhere!

 Protein. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t mention the word or talk about how important it is for all health related things. Fat loss, muscle mass gain, bone density, bone strength, general health… protein can be a huge player in all these. I will spare you with all the science about Protein but trust me it’s really important.

Most people reading my blogs are looking for better body composition, am I right? And by “better” I mean more muscle/less fat primarily. Protein not only builds those nice shoulders and glutes that everyone wants, it ALSO keeps you fuller longer. This is a game changer because if you are “full” your mindless snacking will most likely be significantly reduced, cutting calories and lbs.

In the meantime to help you obtain all the protein you “need” for that body you want, enter protein shakes (powders). And although I agree that having a big steak is more “filling” than a protein shake, the steak also comes with lots and lots of fat (albeit mostly good fat but fat nonetheless). I am NOT saying steak is bad, I’m saying it is high calorie so to get all your protein from steaks you would probably take in WAYYY too much fat.

All about Protein Powders:

There are 2 major types of protein powders that we can talk about. Whey (Dairy based) or Vegan plant based, (non-soy). Whether we talk about Whey or Plant Based, I always recommend getting a powder with natural sweeteners and the fewest ingredients possible. Why do I only recommend more natural powders? I feel if you are using it daily or a few times a week don’t you want cleaner nutrition? I sure do. If a food item is a once a month thing then it’s probably less important the quality, but something that I (or in this case you) take on a regular basis, I would hope you are trying to get the best quality you can find. The difference in pricing is not as much as it used to be, yet the difference in quality can be huge.

Most of the choice between the 2 styles is just preference, unless you vegan or dairy tolerant (notice I did NOT say lactose intolerant, I’ll explain). The amino acid profile for vegan protein has come a long way and now rivals that of the original “gold standard”, whey protein. So the difference comes down to taste, allergies, or vegan preferences. It does make sense to switch it up now and then though if you can tolerate both forms. Variety is the spice of life!

 Whey Protein:

The Whey proteins I recommend are only Whey Isolate, which means the lactose is removed 99% (strained more hence the higher price). Whey protein powders are generally 25grams of protein per scoop making it a high protein meal/snack. Double that and you’d have to eat lots of steak to match that or about 2 chicken breasts in one sitting (which is pretty hard to do).

whey protein isolate - jtab training

My favorite Whey Isolate Protein is About Time. You can pick it up here on my Amazon page.

Vegan Protein:

Vegan protein powder I recommend is usually made from a myriad of plants/rices (brown rice, hemp, quinoa, cranberry, etc). Benefits of these protein powders are of course lactose free, animal free, dairy free and usually free of any allergies. These tend to more “organic” and most vegan proteins are naturally (stevia/monk fruit) sweetened, so you don’t have to look at the ingredients as much. Some, not all, vegan protein powders I recommend act more of a meal replacement because they have a “greens” blend and probiotics in them as well. This isn’t necessary if you are getting enough greens in elsewhere. There are some that are solely protein also and usually are 15-22grams that I have found. Yes, that means a little less protein but most of the time better assimilated or digested (even if you tolerate dairy pretty well).

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My favorite Vegan Protein Powder is Sunwarrior and you can get that here.

My favorite Vegan Meal Replacement is Nutiva and you can get that here.

Keep an eye out for my next blog with some of my favorite smoothie recipes utilizing protein powder!


A Brand New Offering from Coach Joey!

Conjugate: combining two or more parts to form a single bigger piece.

When it comes to lifting, I’m always striving to find new ways to combine different techniques (or conjugate them) to make unique, fun and of course most effective workouts for my clients.

I am offering a variation of the conjugate method to my clients already doing 2+ days a week. The complete program is 4 days per week. For those unable to commit to that, I have a 3 day version condensed as well.

Spring is here, Summer is coming, and I want to offer a different approach in getting strong and lean with more days/week. It’s time to up the anti and fast track your results. For those wanting to try it, you have to be able to commit at least 3 days a week and optimally 4 - and the program runs mid April through Mid July, perfect for getting you summer ready.

What is the conjugate program exactly? It is a Strength and Hypertrophy Program with dedicated days for each “function”. There are 4 days, alternating upper and lower body (2 lower, 2 upper per week or 1 upper, 1 lower and 1 longer full body day). Each day has a specific focus, which makes the conjugate different than other programs. One lower body day is all about hitting a 5 or 3 rep max of the squat or deadlift for that day (max effort lower), one upper body day tries to find your 5 or 3 rep max for the bench press (max effort upper body), etc. The other day(s) are rep(hypertrophy) work or dynamic effort days. On the other 2 days there is a dedicated day for high rep lower body work and a day dedicated to high rep upper body work. In layman’s terms, you alternate between days where you max out heavy lifting, and days with lighter way and higher reps.

Not only is this aimed towards getting you summer ready quickly, but I am offering this at a MASSIVE discount. Please reach out to me for more information on pricing, but let’s just say you’ll be getting even more workouts, for less money. It’s a win/win for all!

A couple of disclaimers: This is not for beginner (and tif that is you and you’re not ready yet for a more advanced program and that is totally fine). You also have to have an idea of basic movements in order to switch out different exercises weekly or monthly. Remember this is a huge discount for more days so there will be some more autonomy on your part if you (chose) to do it.

For the right people it will create a great growth and strength stimulus and also added bonus of burning lots of calories from added lifting days (and intensity).

Who’s ready to start cranking up the intensity at Jtab? Whoever wants to give it a go and can COMMIT to at least 3 days(better with 4), then let me know!  Stop by and see me at the gym, send me a DM on Facebook, or email for more information, pricing and to sign up!


Summer Ready Arm and Shoulder Workout

Spring and summer are around the corner which means so are summer fashions. Arms and shoulders are about to be on display, so now is the time to make sure they are show-ready.

This is a giant set, so make sure you have all weights and bands ready to go. 

  • Zottman Cus for all forearm and bicep work

  • Band Pushdowns for tricep work

  • Face pulls for back shoulder work

  • Lateral raises for front and lateral shoulder work.

Shoot for a few rounds, 10-12 reps each exercise. 


Hip Mobility

Today I’ve got a few different exercises and stretches for you to do to increase your hip mobility, loosen your hips, and set your self up for better squats in the future. Increasing your hip mobility can also help protect your lower back and relieve back pain, as well as increase athletic performance. Check them out below!


Straight Flexin'

We talkin’ about flexin’.  Flexin’?  Really?  Is this about bros flexing in the mirror admiring their huge biceps?  No, (well, maybe a little) but not entirely.  This is the kind of flexing that can be done in the comfort and safety of your own house.  Let me explain.

One of the biggest obstacles when I first start to train someone is them being able to “feel their muscles”.  I ask them to “squeeze their glutes” or “make sure you feel your lats”.  Well, to a new beginner that is a daunting task.  To a bodybuilder they will laugh at you and then just start flexin’ or posing like they are on stage.  Their mind muscle connection is at 100%.  So the next question is will you look like a bodybuilder just by practicing flexing all your muscles individually?  Ummm, probably not (nice try though!), but it is an important step to working your way there. 

What it will do, is get you that all important “mind-muscle connection” that us trainers are looking for in our clients.  The sooner the client gets that, the sooner we can advance.  It will make a world of difference when it comes to moving past “newbie” stage and into the intermediate stage.

Don’t believe me? Check out this article by Dr. John Rusin, all about the importance of the “mind-muscle connection”.

Flexing is important to building muscle.

How to do it.  Well just flex.  No really, it’s that simple.  Start with one side and “touch” that flexed muscle with your other hand. As and example, flex your left bicep and make sure it is really flexed by holding it with your right hand. Once you’ve mastered that, start flexing both biceps at ones (bodybuilding shows call this a Double Bicep Pose - a la Arnold Schwarzenegger). 


Each time you flex, run through this list of the “main” muscles:

1)    Biceps (front of arms)

2)    Triceps (back of arms)

3)    Lats (side of back (have to do one at a time and touch the opposite lat to make sure it’s tight)).

4)    Pecs

5)    Shoulders

6)    Glutes

7)    Quads (work like triceps to extend the knee)

8)    Hamstrings (work like biceps and flex the knee)


Let’s get flexin’ and start to convey that over to helping your workouts.    


Your Children Are Watching!

People try to scare new Moms.  They make them believe their babies are all watching their every move so they act proper and always do the right thing as a perfect role model.  Is this the case??

Here’s the deal - while you definitely don’t have to be perfect all the time, children are looking to their parents to role model behavior, habits and what a healthy lifestyle will look like.  Here’s an awesome story to prove that THEY ARE WATCHING! 

We just celebrated Veteran’s Day here in the US and since it was a “holiday” many daycare’s were closed.  Amy, my client (also my blog and website consultant and one of my ex-athletes I coached at NK) didn’t have anyone to watch Hadley, her beautiful 14 month old daughter.  My Mom was off from her school so she agreed to watch her in the gym while Amy got her lift on.  Hadley got to meet all the gym goers that morning and she loved it.  Amy went about her normal routine and got her big lifts in while Hadley was entertained by my Mom (Linda).  She would peep out to see her Mom do some big lifting now and then.    

Fast forward 2 weeks later and Amy has reported and shown me videos of Hadley’s new “passion”.  She walks up to anything she can get her hands around (a big table, a hug ball bigger than her own body, and even a brick) and proceeds to pick said object up in the air and start walking with it.  Check out the video below to see her in action: 

Looks like Hadley was watching her strong Mom that day in the gym and wants to emulate her actions.  We are just glad that she is taking to weight training at a mere 4 months! Haha!  I think it’s safe to say that Hadley (and many other babies) ARE watching their Moms after all!  Just glad Amy is a great role model and being healthy for her baby Hadley.      


Part 3 of 3: Why Semi-Private Training May Be Right For You

Social media is everything nowadays.  Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter. Being “social” has taken over everything from making online purchases, to hitching rides, to even processing payments for businesses.  It’s a crazy social world out there.  While “social” media is an integral part of our lives, the real social aspect of life is interacting with people in the same room still.  The definition of social media is to participate in social networking. Making friends and making real connections (not just a Facebook “friends” who you’ve never met before) is still the backbone of our society.  It’s something that people still value, and look for in their daily lives.

Semi-private training allows that to happen organically.  You are inevitably working out with a few people in the same room, sharing equipment and getting to know people more than in a normal gym situation. As opposed to the autonomy of a big box gym, or the isolation of totally private training, the small private studio atmosphere allows people to communicate with each other day in and day out.  With semi-private training, people to tend to lift at similar times with many of the same people.  As people get more comfortable with each other, people tend to open up and form bonds and they get strong(er) together.  I have seen this happen numerous times!

Lots of my clients over the years have even taken that gym friendship and created long lasting friendships outside the gym.  It is a real cool thing to witness, knowing it is all coming together under my “roof”.  As an example of this, some of the ladies even got one of my clients baby gifts after her first born a year ago.  That wouldn’t happen in a big box gym culture! 

In addition to that, the collaborative spirit of semi-private training lends itself to support inside the gym. You can often find members cheering others on as they go for a particularly heavy or difficult lift.  Goes to show how powerful this little semi-private model is for friendships.  Semi-private training makes real connections, real friendships, real social networks.      


Part 2 of 3: Why Semi-Private Training May be Right For You

In Part 1 we talked about the best of both world’s in Semi-Private training when it came to finances. The ability to get personalized attention without having to pay ridiculously high pricing.  Today we are going to talk about the autonomy of this type of training.  What do I mean about autonomy?  Well, let’s dive in and see.  

Some trainers try like heck to “keep you in the dark” in the fitness world so they can hold onto you forever. They may queue you for proper form, but won’t explain the mechanics and the “whys” behind the workout.  My semi-private training style is all about teaching the client as much as I can/they can handle.  This allows for great “self-coaching” after teaching them the form and how they can feel their own body in correct form. This means that outside of the gym, you can continue to move correctly, promoting optimal health and reducing common injuries.

I also talk about the “why”, and teach them to think for themselves on whether to go heavier or correct their form.  While I will always be there to guide and offer advice, I also want my clients to take control of their own training. Someone who takes the lead on their workout program is more invested, and more likely to push themselves to that next step (under my watchful eye of course..)  I want to create this culture that they almost “don’t need me” every second, thus making an autonomic client.  This makes the gym run very smoothly so when I do have a new(er) client I can focus on them when need be.  

Many people like this kind of gym environment because they feel safe while performing the lifts, but don’t feel like they are being micro managed every second of their workout. It’s like having controlled freedom.

Autonomy works in a small gym setting where I can easily still watch every person, new or veteran client, and make sure everyone is doing their program as best as possible.  Speaking of programs, each client has their own sheet, their own lifts they are working on each day they come into the gym.  This alone makes them start to “own” these specific lifts they have to perfect and make strong(er) each and every session in the gym.

Next week is Part 3 of benefits of Semi-Private training!  


Part 1 of 3: Why Semi-Private Training May be Right For You

Don’t we all like “best of both world’s” scenarios?  Committing to a solid workout routine is difficult enough, and when you have to compromise on that routine, it can make it difficult to to stick to. Well here at Jtab we have a few “best of both world’s” situations.  I learned early on in my training career that I was going to focus on a style called semi-private.  Today I am going to focus on one of the benefits of this style of training.  

Nowadays everyone is trying to find the cheapest prices for their favorite products, right?  Go to a store and see what the want and immediately take out their phones to see if they can get it cheaper on Amazon, etc.  I admit I do that also sometimes.  When it comes to training and fitness there is no difference.  Planet fitness’s popping up all over the place and offering $10/month memberships for whole gym access.  What could be better than that, right?

Most people have come to realize that private one-on-one training is pretty expensive.  I mean go to your boutique personal fitness center, or the local big box fitness center and you are looking at a price of at least $60-100/hour.  On top of that, they want you to buy a “package” or 5-15 sessions and before you even know it, you’ve spent a month’s mortgage on “personal” training.  Those sessions will last you a month or two and then you’re left to re-up.  This leads to a quick exit of training when people realize they can no longer afford the steep prices.  No one is faulting the trainers here, they need to make a decent hourly rate so they can live, right? But for most of the middle class, this expense is out of reach. 

Enter semi-private training.  This is the game changer, the “best of both world’s, the win/win/win scenario.  Most semi-private is typically more than a half the cost of private training.  This is due to having more than one person in at the same time.  The trainer can spend great quality coaching time on you and the others in the gym, yet you pay way less that the private option.  This allows the client to keep up with training month after month, without blowing their budget.  On the flip side, it allows the trainer a better income while charging their clients a fraction of what personal training costs.  I feel this is the ultimate win/win.  If the trainer is skilled, you will not notice any drop off from one on one to semi-private in terms of coaching, cueing and spotting.  While the client usually is responsible for their own sheets and setting up and breaking down their equipment, that is the small price to pay for paying a fraction of the cost of training.  


Guest Blog: Java Ladies Getting Healthy with Jtab

Today we borrowed a blog written by 2 of our favorite new members, Stephanie and Emily of Java skin care. They talked about how they joined Jtab in an effort to make healthier choices, and incorporate more exercise in their life. Check it out below to learn more about their experience and their skincare line, JAVA.

At JAVA we’re always trying to make healthier lifestyle choices – and we made a REALLY good life choice when we started working out at Jtab Training with our friend Joey. We’ll admit, it had been quite a while since we’d had a regular exercise routine and the thought of getting back into the swing of things was more then a little intimidating. Lucky for us, we found a fantastic guide back into the world of fitness and now we’re not only feeling stronger and healthier, but we actually look forward to working out!


Joey Taraborelli is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength & Conditioning Association. At Joey’s gym, JTab Training, he offers a variety of programs available to fit every need, schedule and comfort level. From private to group classes, high school and college sport training, the awesome trainers at Jtab will work with you no matter your fitness level. With customized nutrition plans and open gym time available, you will build muscle, decrease body fat and live healthier as you tone your body in a safe and encouraging environment.

“I wish could I teach all of RI how to properly strength train, our state would be more fit and healthy if I could!”

We sat down with Joey to find out more about training, opening a gym and of course coffee:

What inspired you to open your own gym? “I wasinspired to open a gym ’cause I really wanted to help people get strong, and gain confidence in themselves.  I was also sick (still am! haha) of the myths in the Fitness Industry that people believe in. (Need “cardio”, don’t lift heavy (for females mostly), you can’t get “cardio” from lifting, lifting is dangerous…. Reality is it’s WAY more dangerous to be weak!)”

What is your Training? “My philosophy is lift heavy weights, get strong, get healthy and don’t eat like an idiot (eat like an adult).  What that really means is I want people to be strong, fit, and to eat the way they “should” be eating, LOTS of protein, as much greens as they can get in and limit carbs and alcohol.” 

What is your passion outside of the gym? “Passion outside the gym is easy, hanging out with friends. Also enjoy watching my athletes’s games, playing volleyball when I can, and of course watching my Superhero movies and shows!  HULK SMASH!”

Your favorite JAVA Product? “Favorite JAVA Product is the scrub, I have lots of dark scar spots and it helps smooth out my skin organically and without chemicals.”

How do you take your coffee? “Coffee black with stevia (cold brew when I can)” 

Learn more about JAVA, view their products, and how organic raw coffee can transform your skin care routine.


Band Zercher Good Mornings

We’re back with another at home exercise this week. These Band Zercher Good Mornings are easy to do at home with minimal equipment (all you need is a band). Not only does the “zercher” part strengthen your core, but this movement also promotes lower back health and strength, glute and hamstring development, and upper back strength. Check it out!


Dan John: Do It and Diet

For today’s blog we’re borrowing one from Olympic Lifter, Dan John, who is diving deeper into fat loss and what really effects it. We talk a lot about training here at J-Tab (obviously, it’s what we do!), but we also know the importance of diet, and how much it actually has to do with losing weight and fat (hint: pretty much everything!). So, if you feel like you’ve been struggling to cut the fat, read up on Dan’s take on what really impacts things, and how you can get yourself on the right track!

Dan John: Do It and Diet


My good friend, Amy, was telling me something that bothered me: her nutritionist stated flatly that exercise has almost nothing to do with FAT loss. I tried to counter that argument and realized:

I have been wrong. A long time.

It’s true: FAT loss happens in the kitchen. FAT loss happens when you shop, chop, slice and dice.

If you are a personal trainer and you convince all your clients to eat protein and veggies at every meal and drink only water for the next two or three years, you will become the most important name in the fitness industry. Your clients will have unparalleled success in body composition.

And, the exercise we insist upon doing might have little value.

The British Journal of Sports Medicine says it clearly:

“ . . . (M)embers of the public are drowned by an unhelpful message about maintaining a ‘healthy weight’ through calorie counting, and many still wrongly believe that obesity is entirely due to lack of exercise. This false perception is rooted in the Food Industry’s Public Relations machinery, which uses tactics chillingly similar to those of big tobacco. The tobacco industry successfully stalled government intervention for 50 years starting from when the first links between smoking and lung cancer were published. This sabotage was achieved using a ‘corporate playbook’ of denial, doubt and confusing the public.

Coca Cola, who spent $3.3 billion on advertising in 2013, pushes a message that ‘all calories count’; they associate their products with sport, suggesting it is ok to consume their drinks as long as you exercise. However, science tells us this is misleading and wrong. It is where the calories come from that is crucial. Sugar calories promote fat storage and hunger.”

Even when you smash the evidence in my face, I still think exercise has a role. But, I have the same blinders everyone else has: I KNOW exercise is “good for you,” so it must help in FAT loss.

But, maybe it doesn’t.

Certainly, we have gone too far claiming exercise incinerates FAT “right off your body.” Now, of course, with various cryotherapy and cold treatments, we use extreme cold to melt fat off the body, so we seem to be going in two directions at once.

At workshops, I spend quality time walking people through a system of approaching training to help people make better choices and save the precious drops of self-discipline so we can focus on better food choices.

Then, about half way through the talk . . .

The hands go up. I know what the question is going to be; it’s always the same question. It’s about FAT loss.

But first, let’s rewind and pick up at the beginning of the talk. I use a system that I discuss in Now What?, my attempt to teach people the keys to successful performance.

Read the rest of Dan John: Do It and Diet


Glute March

Ready to really rock those glutes? Today we're bringing you the advanced Glute March. It's excellent for when you're ready to move past the standard glute exercises and on to something more challenging.

A few things to note, make sure to keep your hips high and your core tight to avoid using your lower back (not only will this cause stress on the area but you'll be working an area you don't want to!

Also, before lifting your leg up, makes sure you drive your other foot into the ground to really make sure you activate your backside.


Don't Got Glutes? Glute Camp Will Help!

Struggling to get a set of glutes or wish to naturally “enhance” what you have already? Enter
Jtab’s Glute Camp! 3 Days a week on top of your normal workouts will get your glutes to
where you want them! Best part of it is they can all can be done at home with just a few simple
pieces of equipment!

After purchasing this program everything will be laid out for you and includes:

  • Complete weekly workouts included a different one for each day of the week,
  • An online tracking sheet to keep track of your progress and what day you're on,
  • Videos showing proper form so you can maximize your workouts, 
  • And a private FB group with Joey answering any questions glute related.

3 extra days a week of dedicated glutes will really help focus on developing the glutes to not only look great but perform more optimally. This will make your squats, deadlifts and lunges better and you they will look better in jeans, bathing suites, dresses, khakis, yoga pants, and sweatpants even! Done right, training your glutes more often will ALSO ease or prevent back pain, knee pain and keep your hips more healthy. It is a WIN/WIN situation. Look better, perform better and feel better! Let’s do this glute thing!

The cost of the program is $25 per month. There is no long term commitment and each month a new workout will be created! Those that are local can save their spot by bringing payment direct to Joey at the gym. To register via PayPal Click Here!


Guest Blog: Common-Sense Fine Dining

Today we've got guest blogger and fellow J-tab Trainer, Matt Prez, breaking down how you still stick to your diet while going out to eat.

Picture this scenario: you’ve started getting more active, and are making an attempt at better nutrition.

But now you’re in a situation where you’ve gone out to eat at a restaurant, and are at the mercy of what’s on the menu.

How do you handle this?  Well with a few simple steps you can have a meal you enjoy and fits your own goals. 

1. Know you allergies/limitations

Aka: The most obvious one.  Do you have a legitimate food allergy?  Are you following a certain diet that has certain restrictions, like keto/vegan/vegetarian/etc.?  You may have to go by what’s on the menu, but there should generally be no problems with informing your waiter about these.  

2. What’s your weight goal? 

Are you trying to gain, lose, or maintain your current weight?  From strictly a caloric standpoint, your answer should dictate what you consume (wanting to gain weight = more food.  Weight loss = less).  

3. Know the breakdown of the macronutrients in food

Fats, Carbs, and Protein are what we consider the “macronutrients” of ie what our body can turn into energy to use.  

The foods highest in fat are usually nuts, oils, and avocados.

Foods highest in carbs are mostly all breads, pasta, most baked goods, fruits, vegetables, etc.

The most protein-dense foods are your animal products (meat, eggs, dairy), but also things like quinoa, legumes, beans, and tofu are higher in protein.  

4. Eat more protein!

If I were a gambling man (which I am), I would bet most people reading this are not consuming enough protein.   The typical American is consuming way too many more carbs and too little protein.  Instead of going for the pasta dish, give the chicken, fish, or steak a try.  Want a burger, but want less carbs?  Choose another side than French fries, see if there’s a lettuce wrap option for the burger, or even consume just the patty.  Remember you can take this as far as you want.  And also don’t forget that protein-rich foods are incredibly satiating, meaning they will make you feel fuller a lot quicker than anything else! 

5. Watch the alcohol!

Beer and wine are carb-dominant sources, but even more important are the mixed drinks, as they (depending on the drink) may be loaded up with sugar.  Not keeping tabs on how much you’re drinking will add up in calories by the end of the day.  

6. Plan ahead

If Friday night is the night you’re going out to eat/drink the not-best food choices, plan ahead and pick the appropriate foods during the day.  For example: I went to Margaritaville a couple of Friday ago and got this

How to eat healthy while you're out.

Just from looking at this image we can deduce this is a carb-heavy meal (buns/fries/maragarita) with moderate protein (the two patties) and a little amount of fat (the cheese, and the patties). 

I knew I was going to get this, so I made the steps during the day to consume less sources of carbs to compensate for this meal.  If I wanted to eat something later I made sure it was mostly protein and very little carb.


Can You?

Bodyweight… the near mention of it sends shivers down your spine for some (most) people. Many people aren’t happy with their body weight, or feel that it’s higher than it should be. Yet we carry our own bodyweight around all the time.  

In the strength and conditioning world there is an unofficial “goal” of being able to deadlift and carry your own bodyweight. Being able to do so, generally says good things about your health, strength and body. I have been training people for over 15 years and often work with clients to get them to a point where they can comfortably deadlift and carry (hold and walk with) their own bodyweight.  I have seen aches and pains go away, body composition improve, and confidence go up.

So, the question remains, can you lift and carry your own body weight? If the mere thought of having to pick up something up equal to your body weight seems impossible, it’s time to surprise yourself a little. Give me a call at 401.529.5089 or shoot an email to and let me help you build up your strength.


Single Leg Squat AKA Skater Squat

Today on the blog we're featuring an amazing workout that is especially geared towards runners and athletes. The Single Leg Squat, also known as the Skater Squat, is an amazing exercise to work your hips, glutes, quads and ankles. Not only does it focus on stability and balance, but strength as well.

Stack pads on the ground and increase or decrease pads as needed to progress. You can also add weight by holding it out in front of you (like you were holding a steering wheel), just make sure your back foot stays elevated and doesn't touch the ground!


You Go-To Nutrition Advice


Here at Jtab Training I try my best to keep things as simple as possible. We all know, that especially when it comes to eating right, the more simple the program, the more likely you are to follow through. Below is my list of solid basic nutrition tips.  

For Fat Loss(accompanied with some strength training):

  1. Reduce starchy carbs:  pasta, rice, bread are not “necessity” for survival or optimal health.  Only have 1 serving, at most, each day.  Bread does not offer any nutritional value except added calories from carbs.  And yes, there are breads that offer added vitamins so it must be "ok" right? No, it’s not and shouldn't have a normal place in your fat loss nutritional plan.    
  2. Reduce sugar (both added sugar and natural sugar):  Sugar is sugar is sugar when it comes to fat loss.  Yes, blueberries are better than table sugar that you put in your coffee (please stop doing that by the way!) but it still has sugar.  Try to eliminate added sugar most days, and try to limit  berries (best bang for your nutritional/sugar buck in my opinion) once a day.  Sugar comes in many things (even salad dressings, etc..) so please read labels and be aware of what you are taking in.  The one exception to the sugar rule is right after a hard workout. You can “allow” yourself a few fast digesting carbs to help with muscle building and to replenish glycogen to muscles.
  3. Increase/maintain protein numbers:  If you are “dropping” carbs, you need to replace some of those calories with protein.  You must be at .7-1.0 grams of protein per pounds bodyweight when trying to lose fat yet still maintain muscle.  This can come from lean meats, eggs, protein powders (vegan or dairy based), fish, beans, or LOW SUGAR Greek yogurts (plain and add some berries on top if need to!).  No matter where you get your protein from, make sure AT LEAST the protein content is the highest macronutrient of the 3 (fat, carbs, protein).  That is a decent quick check to see if it is mainly a protein source or a fat source with some protein (such as peanut butter, almond butter, etc.)
  4. Keep the good fats in, get rid of the bad fat, and limit all fats since they are the highest calorie macro.  Fats have 9 calories/gram while carbs and protein have only 4.  That doesn’t mean you can have tons of carbs (see #1,#2), it just means be picky about what fats you will include.  And for the love of all that is sane, please stop eating/drinking man made fats and “vegetable fats”!  These include canola oil and trans fats.  The one vegetable fat that is acceptable is avocado oil(or avocadoes in general).  Good fats and oils you CAN include in your diet are olive oil, coconut oil (medium chain triglycerides), nuts, or seeds.  Remember, these must be eaten/drank in moderation due to their high calorie count!
  5. Veggies!  Yes to most and as much as you want!  They will help fill you up (higher fiber ones) which helps curb calories since most veggies are very, very low calorie.  Just don’t think about adding lots of oils or cheese on them if you are trying to cut calories.  
  6. Speaking of calories, you have to find your base calorie daily needs (find a good calculator online, Precision Nutrition has a great one) and start with reducing 100-500 calories a day from that number.  Reduce too many too quickly, and your body and hormones will actually go into starvation mode and will not produce the results you're looking for.  Need help finding a PN calculator to find a sweet spot of calories each day (message me or email!)  

There are 6 good tips to get you going.  Please reach out to me if you have any questions from these tips or anything else for fat loss!