Nutrition, Training

Change Your Rules, Change Your Body

I pride myself on being a simple person with simple rules. To me, there are some simple rules that should be “followed” if you want to be successful in life. Well, it is the same in the fitness/wellness/nutrition world also. For most of the US population, sticking to these simple and basic rules could get them the benefits they are looking for.  

Other than marathon trainers or competitive athletes, the rules I outline below will help you achieve your goals of looking better and feeling better (did I guess those right!?).

A quick note: When I’m talking weight loss what I really mean is FAT loss and MUSCLE retention.

Now, let’s get down the list:

1)    Walk and walk. If you are serious about losing fat, the recommended amount is 10-20K steps a day. Now why walk instead of jog or running? Again, we aren’t trying to get better at a 5k here, we are simply trying to lose bodyfat and retain muscle mass. Jogging and/or running tends to increase your hunger, which in turn leads to overeating and actually INCREASING bodyfat. Walking has minimal effect on hunger and cravings, yet will still get you the calorie burn you are looking for. So, WALK WALK WALK!

2)    Retain muscle mass. That’s a fancy way of saying LIFT WEIGHTS/STRENGTH TRAIN. Strength training has been proven to be the best way to retain/keep muscle mass, EXPECIALLY during a fat loss phase. Why is that important? First off, muscle mass helps your metabolism run, and doesn’t have as high of a hunger signaling as running/steady state cardio does. This means it helps you burn more calories all day, without making you want to eat significantly more. In addition is helps starve off age related injuries and diseases to help you still be able to do things well into your later years. Strive for 2-4 days for strength training per week. While strength training is important, you don’t want to overexercise during a fat loss phase as you’re going to be lowering your calories. Which leads to my next point…

3)    Lowering calories. You must lower calories to lose fat. There is no way around it and there is no secret way to get out of it. You can not out train a poor diet. To do this you can break it down into 3 sections: Protein- strive for about bodyweight in grams. Carbs- strive for about bodyweight in grams. Fats- strive for about half bodyweight in grams.  

As an example: 160lb, 50yr old Female trying to change their body composition without losing muscle mass

150    Grams of Protein

150    Grams of Carbs

60-70 Grams of Fats

Again, this takes into consideration that they sit at a desk job and only doing 1-3 hours of strength training per week (walking doesn’t count as exercise and should be done “most” days.  

Ready to start your fat-loss/body change journey? Reach out to me to learn more about how you can get individualized nutrition and workout plans to help you along the way.


Can’t Gym? Then Home!

If it was hard to get the gym before, it’s almost near impossible now. Between home schooling, lack of childcare, changing work hours and oh yeah, a pandemic, a lot of people either can’t, or aren’t comfortable heading into the gym. While I absolutely understand that, it doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t workout still. As we’ve seen throughout the past few months of shutdowns, our homes can be excellent places to get and stay fit.

There are many benefits to doing a home program, whether you’re utilizing it as a standalone program or a supplement to a heavier gym workout or two. Since most people don’t have heavy weights in their homes, most home workouts utilize light weights, bands or even body weight (and my home program is no exception). To really get results with these light (or lack of weight), we need more volume than we are getting a “regular” gym workout of 30-60 minutes. This mean more reps to fatigue the muscle than you would with heavy weights at the gym.

Ideally, this program would complement a gym routine so you could get a good mix of heavy and light weights. Can’t get to a gym now? Although you will be missing the heavy part, you can still get in good volume at home with JTab’s new Home Program for a great workout. 

1)     All you need is your body and a few bands to get the job done. What job you ask? Gaining muscle mass. That’s right – a home program that helps you gain muscle mass without the heavy weights. “But Joey I’m trying to lose weight!” I hear you but let’s attack weight loss (what we really mean is fat loss here) differently this time. Gaining muscle doesn’t mean you’re going to become huge. In addition, building lean muscle will help reduce fat due to increased calorie burn.

2)     This program is simple, yet effective. This is a program that they doesn’t require a Master’s Degree in Kinesiology first. It also doesn’t utilize a million exercises or muscle confusion. Doing a very few exercises correctly and intensely can provide great results.

3)     This program is done for you, so you don’t have to think, just do! Take a break from the million other things you have to manage during the day and just move your body.

4)     Jtab’s Home Program has videos to follow if you need them so you can ensure perfect form.

The results will come when you do the program the way it’s designed and stay CONSISTENT!

Message me for more details!  


Juices, Smoothies and Shakes - Oh My!

When it comes to losing weight, replacing meals, or creating a healthy diet, people often turn to shakes, smoothies or juices. They can all be included in a “healthy” diet but differ greatly. The ingredients, sugar count, and benefits can vary but can also overlap in different reciptes. Today, I’m giving you the basics of each and how you can incorporate them into your diet in the best way.

1)     Juices are most of the time vegetable, fruits, or a combo of the two blended or “juiced” together. Within this group one of the best options to choice from are the typical juices you usually get at a “juice bar” over a bottled one or juice box from the grocery store. These are usually the healthier of these options because you are getting most if not all of the fruit and vegetable (fiber, pulp, etc). This helps lower the blood sugar spike of these more concentrated straight fruit juice, and contains most of the “good stuff”. If you’re looking to hydrate with a juice, I’d suggest looking for a juice bar/shop to get your fix. 

Positives: Great phytonutrients/vitamins/minerals/antioxidents

Negatives: Can be high in sugar, especially if store bought or pre-made. Look for options that include the benefits from fruit, not just the sugar or taste. Juices are usually  low in protein and Macro dependent.


2)     Smoothies are tricky to categorize as they can range in their benefits.  Some with a straight fruit blend, can pack in the calories and sugar, but not much else. Others can incorporate protein powders or other good addatives. In this case you are getting a better blend of macros and not just carbs and a blood sugar spike.

Positives: If they contain protein then it can be a refreshing way to add to your total protein intake.

Negatives: Like juice, smoothies can contain a lot of sugar and calories, which can quickly add up to extra fat.

3)     The shakes we’re talking about here are short for protein shakes (not the ones you get at the ice cream shop). Although these can be the best Macro friendly option they can still be a sugar/carb bomb if not done right. Finding quality protein can be harder than you think, and certainly much harder than finding quality carbs and fats! Look for a mix that packs in the protein but isn’t flavored with sugary flavorings, and watch what else you add to it. Most of the time shakes have protein powders as a base then add other things like milk (or nut milks), fruit, nut butters, oats (or other carb powders for athletes), veggie powers, or even spinach. Done right you can add 20-50 grams of daily protein from one shake! This makes it perfect for those looking to increase their protein while still staying low in calories, carbs and sugar. A great meal replacement or additive to any diet. 

Positives: High protein and a lower fat/sugar option for many. Can be customized to taste or athletic needs.

Negatives: It can be hard to identify quality with the array of protein powders available.

If you have any questions or are looking to incorporate more protein shakes into your diet, check in with me over at Jtab Training for some suggestions. We stock a variety of types and flavors and can give you ideas on how to mix it into your daily routine.


Your Glutes Can Take a Shit Ton of Pounding: Are Your Glutes REALLY Strong?

Last week I was under the barbell doing glute bridges, taking a break after one of the 8 sets of 15 reps I was set  up to do that day of them. It got me thinking; How many reps was I doing? (120 to be exact) And how much total poundage (lbs) was I glute bridging? (around 24,750lbs combined, just on my glutes)

Now this may not be the norm for most people, but it really made me think that our glutes can handle some serious work (at least 12 tons in my case!).

Why am I bringing this up? Not every muscle can withstand a total beating like this. The glutes can. If you do too much quad work you can get an imbalance that might lead to back pain. If you do too much chest work you might get an imbalance that can lead to shoulder pain. The glutes (and the upper back) are muscles that can take a lot of work.

A big part of allowing your glutes to carry a heavy load without pain is proper stretching. Tightness in the lower body can often be attributed to hip flexors, and most of the tightness in lower body can be alleviated by stronger glutes. A very smart person once told me “Your hip flexors are stupid, just get your glutes stronger”.

Most people have tight hip flexors and constantly stretching them out is not the only answer. There might be a reason they are always tight (like your Glutes are WEAK). They are one of the major muscle groups that can, and probably should, get extra attention and extra work. They don’t need their own day (although some fitness competitors actually have a glute day) but definitely can take some extra hard work. And by work I mean heavy intense glute bridges, tons of lateral walks, and single leg glute bridges (among others).

Who doesn’t like a nice set of big strong glutes? The extra glute work you put in now will pay dividends in  the fall when it comes to filling out your jeans and leggings. I don’t know a single person that doesn’t want, or appreciate, and nice set of glutes. They make all the difference in your physique when you have a nice set.

So as we melt into the gym floor, let’s not forget that our glutes NEED and CAN HANDLE a shit ton of pounding and really get after them in the weight room. Add in some glute bridges, hip thrusts, and lateral band walks, and be sure to do high reps to make up for maximum toning. These three exercises in particular will work the glutes but not tax the hamstrings or quads as much. This means the glutes will get extra work from all the deadlifts, squats, lunges you are already doing… which I  know you are doing them already, right?


What the Avengers can teach us about life now, the pandemic and fitness? Pt 1. Life in a Pandemic


1)    “I still believe in Heroes” – Nick Fury, Avengers

And by heroes we mean all the people like the Doctors, Nurses, all Hospital staffing, grocery store employees, delivery drivers, cleaning crews, restaurant staff, and the many others who are keeping this country (and world) running. If you are trying to help out in any way, you are the Heroes and we believe in you!  

2)    “Whatever it takes” – Captain America, End Game

We are being called on to do whatever it takes to rid this country (and World) of this virus. Join together and let’s do whatever it takes to overcome!

3)    “There was an idea, to bring together a group of remarkable people, to see if we could become something more” – Nick Fury, Avengers

Usually great things come from a group effort, so let’s keep united and fight as one! We can’t have people doing one thing and half the people doing another to fight this.

This also means keeping others in your thoughts when making decisions. Don’t hoard things you don’t need so other people don’t have to go without. Offer to pick up food for a neighbor who can’t leave their house. Share resources with those around you whenever you can.

4)    “Cause if we can’t protect the Earth, you can be damn sure we’ll Avenge it” – Iron Man, Avengers 1

If this isn’t relative now with protecting the Earth from this Virus, I don’t know what is. We can’t protect everything but we can avenge the pain that some have felt.

5)    “If we’re going to win this fight, some of us might have to lose it” – Barton (Hawkeye), Civil War

Unfortunately this rings true right now. Some of us have lost the fight but we will win the war over this Virus.

6)    “The city is flying and we’re fighting an army of robots, and I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense” He later goes on to say “But if you step out those doors, you are an Avenger” – Barton (Hawkeye), Avengers Age of Ultron

Make a decision and stick to it to be all in and help out during a crisis or stay inside and someone will come get you. If you can help, then decide how you are going to help and be “all in”.

7)    “With all that’s happening, the things that are about to come to light, people might need a little bit of old fashion” – Coulson, Avengers 1

After this is over, I think going back to old fashion communication might be in order. Re-connect with people, re-introduce yourself to neighbors, and town folk. Let’s re-learn how to speak in close proximity to people again.

It’s also the time to get back to some “old fashion” fitness in our homes. A lot of us no longer have access to fancy gyms and equipment anymore – but it doesn’t mean that you can’t stay strong.

8)    “No mistakes, no do-overs. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives” – Captain America, End Game

We don’t get do-overs in this life. Look out for your family, friends, co-workers during this crucial time. We are literally fighting for our lives or our family’s lives here.

9)     “The World has changed and none of us can go back. All we can do is our best, and sometimes the best that we can do is start over” – Peggy Carter, Captain America

We might not be able to go back to pre-virus days but we will start a new better life after this is over! Write it down, the World will be better when we “start over” and create a fresh start.

On a micro level, you can apply this to your day-to-day. Had a bad day? You can start over tomorrow. It doesn’t mean you have to totally give up on your fitness and nutrition goals, personal goals, or work goals because today didn’t work out as plan. Wake up tomorrow with a fresh start.

10)  “Today we don’t fight for one life, we fight for all of them” – Black Panther, Infinity War

Although we have lost people, we are still fighting the good fight to save as many as we can! So do your part to help the fight. Stay home as much as possible, social distance from those not in your immediate family, support local businesses when safe to do so, and look out for those who are the most vulnerable in our communities.


But I don't have time...

This week we have business owner, toddler mom and Jtab member, Amy Fields, jumping in with a guest blog about how she makes time to show up to workout.

Going to the gym twice a week doesn’t seem like a huge accomplishment. Most of the people that you think of who are accomplished in the area of fitness are showing up 4-5 times a week, working out for hours at a time.

But for me twice a week is something to celebrate.

My life looks like so many others. I have to drag myself out of bed at 7am - anything earlier is simply not going to happen. The next hour looks like chaos as I attempt to dress myself, my 2 year old, take the dog out and chug down a cup of coffee.

After wrestling a toddler in the car and into daycare, it’s off to the office for a steady stream of client work, admin work, and meetings. My meals usually are a series of snacks in between tasks, and I power through until about 4:30/5pm where I attempt to finish a last few tasks before rushing out to pick my daughter up at daycare before it gets too late.

Then it’s home, and the negotiations around getting a toddler to eat dinner, take a bath, get in PJ’s, brush teeth, read a book, and go to bed begin. This 2.5 hour process ends around 8pm when I scour the pantry for something quick for dinner (because I’m starving at this point). Then I grab my computer and shoot out a last few emails, watch a few episodes of something on Netflix and then head upstairs for bed around 10pm.

This repeats itself throughout the week. Then the weekends hit and those are usually filled with trying to think of fun things for a toddler to do, cleaning, and working on our 1960’s house that we purchased a few months ago.

Basically I’m exhausted - but I’m not special in this schedule. Almost everyone’s day is filled to the brim like mine, and it often can feel impossible to fit one more thing in. Especially something that is going to require a lot of time, energy and effort on your part.

Yet, despite being perpetually tired, and really not being a fan of hard physical work, I’ve shown up at Jtab training, twice a week, pretty much every week for 5 years now.

There’s no special secret to showing up. It’s hard when my daughter has a bad night and is up multiple times. It’s hard when it’s cold outside and the covers feels so warm. It’s hard when yet ANOTHER daycare cold sweeps through the house and we’re all sick, AGAIN. And it’s hard when I see the emails rolling in with client work that I know I will have to stay up late to do if I take time out of my day to go to the gym.

It’s hard. And sometimes it sucks. And sometimes I don’t want to do it.

But I push through those feelings and show up anyways because I like how I feel when I’m done. I like being able to help out with projects around the house. I like being able to carry in all my grocery bags in in one trip. I like having time carved out in my week to do something that makes me feel like a human again (and not just a mom). And I like being able to pick up my ever growing kid without worrying about hurting my knees or back.

So, moral of the story is that 5 years in, it’s still hard. It’s not easy for me to weave in going to the gym in my incredibly packed schedule. But it’s become a major priority in my life - so I make time in my weekly calendar to show up and get it done.

And then I celebrate myself for doing it. Because for someone like me (and you!), going to the gym twice a week takes a MASSIVE effort and it deserves to be celebrated.


3 Lower Body Warmup Drills

Today we’re talking about 3 lower body warmup drills to do before you workout. These drills are designed to help you warm up your entire body (particularly your lower body) and get you in prime shape to life heavy.

Now that you’re warmed up, are you ready to start lifting heavy? Email Coach Joey at


Don't make the wrong resolutions this New Year

It’s officially 2020! We made it to another year, and you’re probably doing the same thing you did at the start of 2019, 2018, 2017, etc..  You promise yourself that this year is going to be different. You’re going to eat better, lose weight and change your life around.

There’s an old saying that if you keep banging your head against the wall it’s going to keep on hurting. So, if these “resolutions” didn’t work in the year’s behalf, how is this year truly going to be different?

So many people have been riding the “fat loss program” rollercoaster forever. On January 1st they decided to go to the gym and just do all the cardio machines in an attempt to undo all their bad habits from the year before.

January, February, March, and April, they ride the “cardio train” with minimal body change results. They quickly become frustrated and give up, falling right back into some old bad habits.

During that time they’ve lost important muscle mass, destroyed their metabolism so it starts to work against them, gotten overuse injuries from “pounding the pavement”, and just ended up more tired and hungry from all the cardio.  That’s right, studies show that doing tons of cardio makes you eat more, makes you more hungry and usually crave carbs (to replace the energy you just expended.

Now the question becomes, if starving yourself and doing tons of cardio isn’t the best way to lose weight, how can you meet your goals in 2020 the right way?

Enter Strength Training….

When the focus is on getting strong(er) (getting more jacked, lean muscle, ripped… whatever you want to call it) there is a shift in your whole body and mind connection. You lose the stress of “worrying about losing weight” and instead know you are strictly focused on increasing weight and getting better each week/workout. Getting stronger is bettering your body = win/win!

Stressing out about losing weight all the time takes a negative toll on your body. It raises your cortisol levels to the extreme (which causes you to actually hold on to/gain weight) and kills your hormones.

Strength training helps to create a positive hormone response that will help increase your Testosterone levels and Growth Hormones levels, and regulate your Grehlin, Cortisol, Leptin levels needed for optimal performance, recovery, and health. All of these hormones are pivitol in losing weight and changing body shape.

Strength training also helps keeps (and increases of course) the muscle mass you have. This added muscle mass helps with metabolism, health, athletic performance, and even normal everyday tasks like going up and down stairs, walking around, carrying laundry, grandkids, etc.

And for those of you that just cringed at me using the term “muscle mass”. Gals (and even some guys) muscle mass does not been becoming a huge body builder. Can we stop fearing something that is so powerful, makes us badasses, strong(er/her) and more functional? Muscle mass is what literally changes your body composition and body in a good way. It’s literally what “shapes” us, whether you’re looking for long and lean, or bulky and muscular.

So in 2020, are you ready to finally make that positive shift in body, health, mind over to focusing on getting strong(er), more athletic, creating more muscle mass? If you are, then my team at Jtab Training is ready for you!


Jtab Training: 2020 News, Updates and Classes

1) Jtab Superhero 3 Day a Week Program is online for sale! $60/month, there are 4 total months worth of progressive power, strength, and functional muscle building workouts! If you start the beginning of January by end of April/beginning of May you will have a killer Superhero Body for Summer! Nutrition will be an additional service but discounted if you buy the Superhero Program. I will send you videos each month or coach you up on the lifts for the month when you purchase. The price reflects that coaching.

2) Speaking of Nutrition consults, I am available off hours for Nutritional Coaching one on one and soon will have group nutrition sessions.

3) Superhero Class will start up again on Sundays, 11am-12pm. Drop-ins are welcome, at least 1-3 months previous lifting experience is required but I can tailor it to intermediate (there are actually very few advanced lifters around, I wouldn't even be considered advanced). Price is $10/person. If you bring in 2 or more people I will give you a discount on your class.

4) Men's Power Hour will resume Wednesdays (starting January 8th). 7pm-8pm. This will be a 4 week package class, $40/per month. If you miss a class, it's on you to make it up during the week). Any additional info on this please message me directly.

5) I will take a few more online coaching clients. I will customize a program to fit your gym/home setup and ability. The next few clients will be $100/month if you sign up for 6 months.

6) I have a few more spots for in house training. This is where I have eyes on you and can coach each set and keep you progressing the way you should be. It is all semi-private training. First appointment is an assessment $60, then training is monthly "memberships" of $110/4 (once a week), $180/8 (twice a week), $235/12 (three times a week). I have not raised my in-Jtab prices since the get-go.

My prices for professional training and services are beyond super "cheap". I've had many people tell me I should be charging more, twice, three times as much. Although I know I should be, I don't so you WIN if you take that opportunity and train with me. You will not regret it! I've trained hundreds if not a thousand or two people and they will ALL tell you I'm worth it. Isn't it time to start investing in your health? 2020 can be the year you get in the BEST shape of your life or just another year you "get by" and sludge through it feeling weak, not able to do the things you really want to, not feeling confident at the beach, not being the best you, not living your best life as the kids say nowadays.. the choice is yours, all you have to do is be willing to put in the work and let me Coach you!


Don't have time to work out?

It’s the classic excuse. We can’t work out because we don’t have enough time. There’s always a meeting, an errand, a kid’s sport that takes precedent over exercise.

One of my clients recently wrote this note describing her struggles with finding the time to commit to working out, and how a slight mindset shift completely changed her perspective and got her in the gym.

“For many years, I struggled with how to balance my family, the commitments of being a sports mom, working full time and making time for exercise. Schedules/appointments/work/sports commitments ruled my days. It was a struggle and ultimately the other commitments were deemed to be more important. No time to exercise. I would make it to the gym whenever I could around my jammed calendar. I was stressed, tired and frustrated about life in general. I NEEDED that gym time.

My “a ha moment” came one day when I was looking at my busy calendar for the week What would happen if I scheduled my time in the gym on to my appointment calendar? If it’s on my calendar, I have to do it. Right? So, I scheduled my two days in the gym- just 2 hours- that first week for two days right after work. I

protected that time and treated it like any other doctor/dentist appointment, hockey/lacrosse practice or game , or any other commitment. It worked! That time in the gym was just what I needed. I felt better- less stress and frustration- and I was getting the exercise I needed.

So, I scheduled my “gym appointment”times into the calendar for the next several weeks in with all the other activities. That gym time -my time- was just as important as any other appointment on the calendar. Of course things pop up unexpectedly that may interfere with the schedule. I am very careful to schedule in a make up day ( Thank you for Sunday make-up days, Joey!). The gym time is that important to me. “


Sometimes You Have to Stop and Ask for Directions

Somewhere in the past it was “expected” that men knew how to do all the “manly” thing. This includes things like changing tires, fixing things around the house, “making” stuff out of wood, and lifting weights. And if you couldn’t do these things, you were looked at as a less of a man.

Although times have changed, this stigma hasn’t completely gone away. Here’s the deal, regardless of gender, people know how to do different things based on life experiences. Just because you haven’t had the chance to learn something yet, doesn’t mean your any less “manly”. Let me tell you a story:

It all started out in college as I was pulling into the parking lot in a hotel with my good friend Lauren. Yes Lauren is a female, which will prove my point in a second. I was about to take my first personal trainer certification test down in Miami (we were living in St. Pete at the time still). My tire blew and needed to be changed. I was a nervous wreck already having to take my test in the morning for something I was super passionate about, and didn’t want to deal with this now on top of it. Luckily I had my trusty friend Lauren there as she just started changing my tire in the parking lot.

I didn’t know how to change it or didn’t have the confidence in myself to do it all alone. At the time I felt embarrassed and like everyone that could see me was laughing at me. I wasn’t taking the lead in doing a thing every man “should” know how to do, right? But, regardless of who did it, “we” got it changed (yes I did help!), I got a good night sleep without having to worry about my tire, and passed my test in the morning! That is just one example of my short fallings (yes I’m short also) of knowing how to do basic things men are “supposed to be able to do”.

But, while I may not be able to change a tire, many other men do not know how to properly lift weights. (Another thing a man is “supposed” to do). The one thing I spent the most of my adult life learning and perfecting my technique and coaching skills is lifting weights. That is the area I can HELP men out. Sometimes it’s helping them with form. Sometimes it’s helping spot them during a heavy lift. And sometimes it’s just helping them streamline what a program should look like instead of just going to the gym and doing “everything and anything”.

I am here to say it’s ok to ask for help from a strength coach in designing, implementing and executing a good strength program. Sometimes we have to put down our “macho-ism” and ask for help in areas that we need it or don’t specialize in. I’ve had to ask for help many many times when I needed something done in the gym or even putting together a piece of equipment. We as men can’t be good at all handy things and it is ok to ask for help sometimes.


Your One-Stop Fitness and Nutrition Coach

Nowadays everyone like the one stop shop idea, cause everyone is super busy with life. Between the internet, social media, and binging Netflix our days are chock full. So a one stop shop for your fitness would be a great idea, right? Well if you go into your local favorite strength facility and work with a good strength coach, you get that…. Let me explain.

Strength coaches aren’t just useful when it comes to picking up heavy things. We’re also good at a few others:

1)    We make you strong(er)..  duhhh. That’s the obvious one so we will start here. Tendons, ligaments, bones, muscles, all connective tissues will become strong(er) using a simple progressive overload principle that most strength coaches employ.

2)    We help with Mobility/Yoga Flexibility. Would you believe me if I said stretching/moving through a range of motion under load is more beneficial than just stretching normally? It’s amazing when people say they are more mobile/looser after strength training. We also include some “traditional” stretches before you start or in between your heavy lifts to put the icing on the flexibility cake!

3)   We give you power. Why do we need power as we get older? We are not playing HS sports anymore, so it’s not important, right? Absolutely wrong and maybe more wrong than you think. Adults need MORE power work than HS athletes that have optimal power output due to their younger age. We lose power as we age, which is super important to try to maintain. Power output will help you go up stairs, help you catch yourself from falling down, and help you keep up with your Grandkids as best as you can. It also lets you create lots of “energy” or “force” with what you muscle you have. Power also helps with elasticity of your tendons and muscles. It helps your muscles bounce back and power forward when you have to go up multiple stairs or do multiples of the same movement.

4)    We teach you nutrition basics. There is tons of nutrition “info” out there but it can be really confusing. There are also many people that aren’t totally sure what a carb/protein/fat macronutrients are and why each one is important for proper health. That is where a Strength Coach comes in. How can you expect to eat “healthy” if you have no idea what to eat or what’s the best for your goals? We can go over the basics while lifting to get you a some great knowledge of how to fuel your body. If you want more info or a custom plan we can sit down together and map it out. Start with knowing the basics and it will lead to better nutritional health right away!

5)    We get you some great cardio work. Look no further than some finishers from your local strength coach AFTER you lift for your strength and hypertrophy work. Or you can include/count your hypertrophy work as your cardio if done correctly for more conditioning emphasis. Either way, a good Coach should be able to give you enough conditioning work for general fitness while still keeping it under your time constraints/needs. If you are training for a marathon or long race, it might need to be longer on some days keep in mind but for general “cardio” health it can and should be able to be completed within 15 minutes of your strength work.

Ready to dive in? Shoot Coach Joey an email at to schedule a time to come in!


Benefits of Strength Training for the Older Population

Strength Training is not only for the working class and athletes. It MIGHT be most important for the population that is heading into, or already into retirement and beyond.

Let me explain why it’s SO important for the baby boomer generation.

 1)    Power output- While we normally think that athletes are the only ones that need to train for power for their sport (baseball swings, volleyball spikes, hard football hits and powerful lacrosse shots), it turns out that this is just as important for non-athletes as well. As we age (some say anyone past 30) we lose power output (ability to generate force). This is crucial to get back as much as we can because power output has many benefits for older adults. Falling is one of the main concerns getting into our 70s, 80s, and 90s. If we have some powerful legs and hips still we can usually catch ourselves so we don’t fall and break or fracture bones. In addition, nominal tasks become much harder without power output. Powerful lower bodies will make even going up a flights of stairs. let alone carrying a basket of laundry up them, much easier.

2)    Strong(er)- Want to carry your grandkids around? You need to be strong to be able to do so. Want to be able to play around with your grandkids up and down on the floor and around the house? You need to be strong and mobile, all things strength training does for you.

3)    Injury prevention- Carrying your grandkids (or laundry, or other household items) around will bring big problems to your back, neck, shoulders if you aren’t resilient and strong. Getting strong(er) will help prevent injuries while doing these every day “life” tasks. You also want to be able to do those kinds of things long into the future, and strength training will allow you to be able to do those for years to come!

Those are 3 of the main, most important points to think about heading into retirement in terms of living your best life (as all the cool young kids say nowadays). Looking to stay strong and do so in a safe environment tailored for you? Every Tuesday 10am I am teaching this class, anyone retirement age and older is welcome! At $10/person per class it’s a steal to learn proper strength training fundamentals. Simply show up, or email for more information.


A Quick Circuit to Regulate Hormones

This circuit hits all the major exercises for maximum exertion and hormone regulation. High intensity workouts (like this one) help increase a variety of different hormones to help decrease stress, improve sleep, and balancing mood swings. It works all areas of the body and gives a great overall workout that you can do when you’re short on time.

It combines 4 different exercises that you should do in 12 reps for 4 sets.

1 - Goblet squats with moderately heavy weight - 12x4


2 - Bench press - 12x4


3 - RDL’s into Rows - 12x4


4 - Push Press - 12x4



Benefits of Strength Training Part 1

Yes, strength training can help you to look like a jacked superhero. I’m going to talk about some of the lesser known or even more important reasons we all SHOULD be strength training. Time to dive right in.

1)    Body awareness- We learn much about our bodies while exercising, and weight training might be teaching us the most. Learning to move well, with a good range of motion under load, teaches us coordination and movement patterns that will keep us limber.

As an example: We pick up objects up off the ground all day long, and probably use our lower backs every time. When you strength train, you learn through dead lifting how to move through your hips and pick things up with your legs, instead of your back. By bracing for external loads, strength training teaches body awareness better than any other type of exercise.

2)   Calories in/calories out, right? Not so fast Batman. Intense strength training also helps burn more calories in EPOC than most other forms of exercise. After a heavy strength training session, your body now has to repair muscle fibers which is metabolically demanding on your body. This in turn means your body continues to burn calories long after your workout has finished. It also helps you keep your muscle during a “cut” or “fat loss” period. As my friend Tony Gentilcore says, “What makes muscle, keeps muscle”. Strength training does both pretty well!

3)    Weight lifting helps your body use and burn off extra blood sugars and gives your body a better response to insulin. Blood sugars are the main sugars in your body from the foods you eat. Your body uses these sugars for most of its energy production. Weight lifting helps your body normalize blood sugars better than someone who is not strength training. Insulin is the hormone that controls how your body uses your glucose (blood sugars). Strength training improves your body’s sensitivity to insulin, thus creating a properly functioning system. When these things get out of whack, you increase bodyfat. (I am not getting into Type 1 Diabetes here).

4)     Self confidence. Like I said above, strength/weight training obviously helps you look more like a jacked superhero. But, even if this isn’t your aesthetic goal, you will notice differences in the way you carry yourself. Either from the pure fact you will be strong(er) and lifting some good weight, or from the small changes in your body composition, you will hold your head a little higher overall. Trust me, start hitting PR’s in the gym and see how your confidence goes up. Start seeing some muscles pop where they didn’t before and see how your confidence goes up. And to all this I say, “It’s ok to want to look better!” Working out doesn’t just have to be for your health (although that is an important reason)! Looking better and increased self confidence are amazing side effects as well.

There you have it, part 1 of my blog on the benefits of strength training. Join me back here soon for part 2!


Jtabs New Favorite Snack

Snack is a funny word. Us fitness professionals and nutritionists can’t decide if snacking is healthy or not (but that’s another blog for another week). But for those of us in the real world, snacks are a part of life. Especially mid afternoon or late night, when you need something to carry you through to you next meal. Here is a snack I’ve been loving lately (particularly late night) and wanted to share. This recipe can be adjusted slightly to feet any macro need you may have.

Yogurt “Slop”

Best name ever, remember it’s MY concoction so I can call it anything I want.

  • ½ cup (half serving) of PLAIN Organic Greek Yogurt from Stonyfield Farms (10 grams of Protein, 4 grams of Sugar, 0 )

  • 2 Heaping TBSP of Organic Peanut Butter from Trader Joe’s (10-12 grams of Protein, 20ish Grams of Fat, 4ish grams of Sugar)

  • 1 serving of Carob Chips (1 serving is 5 grams of fat, 9 carbs, 0 sugar) (I usually use unsweetened but also have Chatfield’s and that brand is 10grams of sugar and 5 grams of fat per serving), could use Blueberries as well here for more phytos

  • 1 serving of Purely Elizabeth plain granola (use plain oats for lower calories or omit altogether for way less carbs and added fats)

  • A few ounces of Walnut (or any other nut based milk is fine) to add some liquid to consistency (I use about 1/3 serving so negligible calories)


Got pain in your hands? Try this!

Today at home exercise is a super simple one that can really make a big difference in your day-to-day.

In today’s world we’re constantly on our computers or phones. We’re typing, texting, watching videos and scrolling through social media for hours a day. These things can take a big toll on our hands (those have muscles too, you know!) and can leave them tight, achey and uncomfortable.

All you need for this super simple roll out is a golf ball (or tennis ball) and a flat surface. Check it out!

Training, Nutrition

Top 5 Takeaways from my Perform Better Conference August 2-4th

Over this past weekend, Coach Joey put down the weights (only for a minute) and picked up the books at the annual Perform Better Conference in Providence. This conference not only keeps Joey’s CSCS certification active, but teaches him tons of new things he can bring back to the gym for better workouts, better nutritional advice, and better overall health. Below are the top 5 takeaways from the conference that you can take into your own life.

1)    Connections – Making connections at one of these top notch seminars is a funny thing. I met and reconnected with so many amazing coaches over the weekend. Some were “famous” in the industry, some were just attending, and some in between. While this will not lead to more sales for someone like me, it goes far beyond the sales or money making possibilities. Having a great network around you is one of the most important aspects of a successful and fulfilling and happy life.

2)    There are some easy ways to drum up business and community outreach that doesn’t take thousands of dollars just a little bit of courage and connection with local businesses and restaurants. Be on the lookout for me at some local great places soon! Not only is this a great opportunity to promote the gym, but hopefully it will lead to some pretty cool local recommendations for you all to check out!

3)    Have some confidence and go after what you feel you deserve and work really hard for. It was a wake up or kick in the butt talk about putting in the work and making sure you get the results you are working for. Just like in the gym, you get back what you put out.

4)    Geeky tip(s): 

a.    Mobility before stability- You need to be mobile (having joint range or motion) first, then we can make that joint stabile from teaching it how to “Brace” or get strong. When we lose mobility, we tend to slow down and have degeneration.

b.    When working on stability, the simple act of breathing out hard gets most people to brace their core pretty well. This can be used in many aspects, even a setup for a deadlift. After you breathe out hard and feel that “brace” you can keep it and get a small breathe in and pull.

c.     Fat loss training still needs high reps, speed(power) work, heavy work and mid rep work. A good fat loss program will have all the above, just like we have at Jtab! (funny how that works, right!?)

d.    The simple cue of trying to pull apart a band or anything you’re holding onto, will help engage your lats more, especially for those that have difficulty working that area.

5)    Taking “diet” breaks more often than you think will usually lead to better adherence and results. It’s not normal to be “dieting” for 3 years straight. Not only is it not normal, its super detrimental to your hormones and health, and can actually have the opposite effect of what you’re trying to do. Eat above maintenance for a few days/weeks and then go back to base or below base level. A few days break can help keep your body on it’s toes, and burning fat and calories.