
Jtab’s Best Exercises for Volleyball Players

Last week we went over why volleyball players should not only be lifting, but be lifting some heavy weights (progressively).  Today we want to cover some of the more beneficial lifts to increase your vertical (‘cause what volleyball player doesn’t want to jump higher?) and get a stronger swing.  I am going to give you my top 5 weight exercises for volleyball.  

1. Trap Bar Deadlifts- probably the best overall bang for your buck this lift is perfect increasing your vertical.  It teaches you that great starting position to “create” your blocking vertical.  It also decreases lower back strain by utilizing the higher handles and neutral handle position.  This is your main lift for strength, so it makes sense to do these with heavy weights for low reps most of the time. Once in awhile pepper (see what I did there?) in some lighter weight for high reps to get that crazy hamstring/glute pump!  


2. Bulgarian or Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats - This is the best quad builder for increasing your vertical, plus it’s really safe for those that want to avoid spinal loading (by not having a bar on your shoulders).  It also incorporates a single leg training which will help strengthen each leg individually, leading to less imbalance.  We know as volleyball players your dominant leg (the one opposite your hitting arm) gets taxed more from the approach take-off.  Strengthening your legs individually will lessen your chance of injuries that occur from a one-sided dominant sport.  Since this is your main “quad” exercise it should be done with medium weight for lower reps.  On occasion you can switch it up and do high rep sets to really burn those quads and glutes!  


3. One arm Push Press- Keeping with the single side work from #2, this is an upper body focused single arm overhead press.  Again, most volleyball players are one side dominant, leading to imbalances and injuries.  Work each arm individually so you can’t cheat with your dominant arm (like you may do using a barbell).  These can be done with high/medium weight and low/medium reps.  


4. Face Pulls- Volleyball players are front side dominant and need to build lots of strength posteriorly to stay balanced.  Face pulls are one of the best for strengthening the back of the shoulders and upper back.  These can be done using a pulley/cable machine, TRX suspension straps, or with bands.  High reps work great for this exercise.  Done religiously they will keep those shoulders healthy for years of great swinging!  


5. One Arm DB Rows- The old/new adage of strength coaches is “more pulling than pushing” so we are including another “pull”, the One Arm Row.  This is one of the most classic exercises and is also great for volleyball players to strengthen that posterior.  Coupled with face pulls you hit all the angles needed for strengthening the back of your shoulders.  These can be done for heavy/low reps or light/high reps but make sure only one of pulling exercise is used for heavy/low reps to build a good base of strength.  When wanting to switch it it up, it's best to use these for heavy/low reps and face pulls after for light/high reps.  



Volleyball and Lifting = Pair made for the stars

I’m a volleyball player. I’m also a Certified Strength Coach(CSCS) and I like to lift heavy weights.  There is still a stigma in the volleyball community that these two activities don't normally go together.  I’m here today to talk about how they can co-exist and help volleyball players get to the next level in their play. 

I started lifting weights seriously in college, while playing for a top level College Club Team (Volleyball is still growing in the NCAA space).  Proper weight lifting helped me be able to compete with the taller, stronger players around the country I had to go up against.  

The game of volleyball is an explosive game.  It requires big jumps to block, an aggressive approach to attack and quick reactions in the back court on defense.  Strength training happens to train your body and muscles in the same manner.  Strength is defined by “the maximal force that a muscle or muscle group can generate at a specified velocity”* .  Power is defined as “time rate of doing work”*.  By this conclusion, explosive movements on the volleyball court are generated by increasing power.  Power comes from strength and the stronger you are the more powerful you are.  By strength training, this translates to a higher blocking jump, higher approach and an even quicker “push-off” to go get a ball on defense.  The ability to generate power in a fast motion is what people refer to as “quickness”.  

Now, how does strength training really transfer to the court?  Let’s take a squat - one of the first exercise people think of when they think of training for volleyball (I’d argue it’s the deadlift that gets you higher off the ground but that’s another article topic).  Getting stronger through a Goblet Dumbbell Squat (see the video below) will teach your body to transform power to be used on the court. 


The heavier the dumbbell, the more your body has to create drive downward into the ground to finish the squat motion.  The stronger you get, the more “power” you can push down into the ground to lift your body (plus the dumbbell) up to the end position.  This new “power” drive can now translate into a higher vertical jump and, even more importantly, a more efficient jump.  You will be able to jump more times without tiring due to your increase in strength.  Strength is what makes you able to last and keep jumping as high during the 3rd, 4th, 5th sets, not “cardio” or conditioning.  

The next volleyball and strength blog will focus on the best bang for your buck exercises to increase your vertical.           

* Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning


Move of the Week: Squat to Push Press

At Jtab Training we're all about moves that work multiple areas of the body at once. This all-in-one powerhouse will help get your heart pumping, blood flowing and fat burning. In addition to building all over muscle, by working some of the largest muscles in your body, it becomes a great cardio workout as well. So grab some light, to medium, dumbbells and get going!


Jtab Tip: Stop the Pain From Shoveling

Shoveled lots this weekend? Well, we're guessing you used the same side and hand to do it, right?  And now you're feeling the effects today? Well that oblique is overworked and need to re-fire the other side oblique. Hold a heavy Dumbbell, Kettlebell , or whatever you have in the house house on same side that you shoveled with to get the other side firing up. Check out the video below to learn more!


Going Beyond The Basics

Everywhere you look there is new nutrition info out there.  Some complex, some simple.  But at JTab, we believe that good nutrition goes beyond just eating your fruits and vegetables (although those are great places to start!) This week we go a little deeper and dive into some of the things that may be affecting your weight and body composition beyond the obvious.

  1. HORMONES:  And we’re not just talking the typical male/female hormones. Food effects your hormones and hormones effects your nutrition.  One example is sugar.  We can all safely say excess sugar isn’t the healthiest thing in the world, correct?  Sugar also creates inflammation and stress in your body and thus makes your cortisol hormone go bonkers.  Cortisol then creates havoc on your body, killing your sleep, your mood, etc.  Choose foods that help your hormones balance out, and your body will be more in balance, you will see your health skyrocket, and you will feel amazing.  
  2. Blood sugar spiking:  Bananas.  They are either the devil or to be worshipped.  Most science still says when you eat a high sugar food item (like a banana) alone, your blood sugar spikes causing a havoc on your body.  You must pair these high sugar food with either a fat or protein (think peanut butter on a banana).  This slows down the absorption of the sugar in the banana so your body doesn’t go crazy.  
  3. More hormone talk:  Men, and to a lesser degree women, should be looking to add more testosterone optimizing foods (such as brazil/macadamia nuts, eggs, grass fed beef, etc.).  Optimizing your hormones (the ones you are supposed to have but modern life decreases) will create a more favorable body composition and help your health considerably.  Plastics, air fresheners, receipts, scented candles, and most skin care products all have estrogen mimicking properties that can keep you from having optimal hormones and feeling your best.  Again, optimal was the key word, so don’t stress over every little thing. Try to steer clear as much as possible to keep hormones under control. 
  4. Organic:  I know this gets thrown around in talk like a rag doll, but to optimize your health, hormones, and body, you should be looking to add more organic foods as you can.  There is a great list to go by called the “Dirty Dozen/Clean 15”.  When purchasing the foods/produce on the dirty dozen list, try to be organic as much as possible.  Meats (if you eat meat) should be purchased as organic as possible, and if you can’t buy organic meats, try to get the LEANEST cuts available to you.  The extra hormones from raising are stored in the fats.  A good rule of thumb is a food with a thick outer peel that you don’t eat (think a banana) probably doesn’t have to be organic.
  5. Timing:  There is lots of talk about nutrient timing.  My thoughts are, as long as you get the correct calories for your body and activity level, timing is less important.  The idea here is to think smart and plan ahead. Having a heavy carbohydrate meal in the morning can lead to be exhausted mid day.  If you are required to have lots of energy mid day, think about high protein/high fats (the good kind) foods such as eggs, avocados, or greens. And, what about the class “3 square meals a day”. Is that the best rule of thumb? No! See how your energy levels are day in and out and tweak accordingly. Eat to fuel your body and stay energized, not just because you feel like you “have” to eat. 


Captain Obvious Nutrition: 5 Tips You Already Know But Aren't Doing

Nutrition is one of the most talked about subjects between people.  It seems like everywhere you turn people are doing a crazy diet or giving their own nutrition advice to make sure everyone around them knows (Hey, did you know I’m doing paleo right now?).  With all of the fad diets going around out there, I thought it would be best to bring it back to the basics. Sometimes, striping everything down to the tried and true nutrition facts we’ve always know is the best way to start:

  1. Get enough protein from quality sources.  If you are lifting and/or trying to change your body composition it is important to eat enough protein.  It fills you up better than carbs, helps with recovery from workouts and helps with changing body composition.  
  2. Eat/drink your VEGGIES!  I don’t want to say an amount of servings specifically (as that can verify by person) but you should be including them in as much as possible.  Don’t like veggies?  Then drink them, but get them in.  There are plenty of great tasting veggie powders nowadays.  No excuses.  The list of how greens/veggies help your health is immense.  
  3. When trying to change your body composition (i.e. gain muscle, lower fat), it has been proven that a lower carbohydrate intake is best overall.  Try to cut out the breads and pastas, and when you do eat carbs, keep them in the form of veggies.  
  4. Fats have the highest calorie per gram content out of the 3 main macronutrients.  Fats have 9 calories while protein AND carbs each have 4 calories per gram.  Do I even have to mention you should limit your fats to try to change body composition and reduce body fat?
  5. Tip #5 should be #1 but it’s not as “sexy”.  DRINK LOTS AND LOTS OF WATER!  DRINK MORE THAN YOU THINK YOU SHOULD!  That is probably the best thing you can do to start eating healthier.  The more water you drink, the less hungry you will be, and the less you will snack on empty calories.  Water is also vital for many functions.    

Additional Tip:  Obviously very important to know what foods are high in carbs, which ones are high in protein and which ones are high in fats.  Some for example an egg are high in 2 of the 3.  Eggs are lots of protein but also high in fats (although in this case, it’s a good kind of fat).  Cheese is another example.  Cheese is high in protein yet very high in fat.  Grass fed beef is very high in protein but also very high in fat making it a good protein source but also very high calorie food.  Lean chicken is high in protein and fairly low in fat making it a good choice for a high protein food with lower calories.  


New Year Fat Loss Workout

Welcome back and Happy New Year! Right now we know everybody is focused on getting back in shape after the holiday season. If you did overindulge a little don't worry! Today we've got an at home, full body, fat burning workout designed to help you get your metabolism going. These moves can be done at home, without any weights, so no excuses! Get up and get moving, to start rocking your body in 2017.

Do this entire circut 3 times with 10 reps for each move.


Move of the Week: Plank Variations

Anyone that has ever exercised, or knows anyone that exercises, knows that planks are one of the best all over body workouts. They rock your core, arms and legs in one fell swoop. However, holding a plank for 60 seconds or more can get really boring, and instead of feeling like a good all over workout, they can start to feel like a chore.

Today we've got the cure for plank ADD. The multiple variations in this video will help you maximize your plank workout while combating the boredom that comes with holding a plank for a long time. So, get out there and get planking.


Jtab December Challenge - Glutes and Core

Just because it's the holiday season, doesn't mean you should let yourself go. In between the holiday eating and parties, jump on into our December challenge to keep your muscles firing and burning calories all month long. First, check out the video below to learn the proper form, then be sure to visit our Facebook page each day for a new challenge. Everybody get out there and get going!


Move of the Week: Thanksgiving Day Stretches

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and while we are all excited for that delicious dinner, we all know how we're going to feel afterwards. Our stomachs are full, and our backs and hips ache from sitting in chairs all day. Today, our Move of the Week features a series of stretches that you can do right in your chair (or on the couch before your tryptophan coma) that will help open up your hips, stretch out your back and get your glutes firing. So, enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner, but get at least a little movement in your day to help prevent those post dinner pains.

Training, Nutrition

A Holistic Approach to Healthy

Here at Jtab Training we believe the healthy extends beyond the gym. We talk a lot about working out and eating right (If you haven't heard Joey talk about Purium yet, you will!). However, a lot times, products we use in our daily lives (like skin care and cleaning products) can be contributing to poor health as well. It's not just about eating healthy and working out. Being healthy means integrating healthy habits and behavior in all aspects of our lives.

But don't be scared! Today our blog features a guest blogger Sherri, from Pure Haven, is helping us see how the products we use everyday CAN be safe, inexpensive and actually work! 

And don't forget to join the Jtab Training Crew and Sherri from Pure Haven to learn more about the gym, natural products and get a little taste of Purium (we told you you'd hear more about it soon!) at Jtab Training's Wellness day THIS Saturday (11/19) from 1:30-4:30pm!

Good news…

Because let’s face it, we all could use it right now! I’m going to ease one little anxiety that you’ve probably pushed way down to the bottom of your worry list, maybe you're trying not to think about because it’s too upsetting, or you just don’t have the time, money, energy or the right information to know how to fix it. I’m talking about how you long to feel confident that the products you and your family use are safe, not just guessing & convincing yourself…“well I bought it at Whole Foods so it must be ok” or “it says it’s natural so at least I’m trying”!  I’m talking about actually knowing that your stuff is safe. I always thought mine was, and whoa was I wrong. Now listen, I know you’re sick about hearing how everything is bad for you. There’s always a new article or research study telling you that everything you're doing is wrong. It’s enough to make you crazy really. You’ve got enough to worry about without stressing about those nasty, toxic chemicals that are lurking in your home and beauty products. So let me ease your mind and empower you with some info about the good stuff! 

  • Pure Haven Essentials is all good stuff. Only good stuff. Non-toxic, safe, and free of harmful chemicals. Safety, quality, and effectiveness is the Pure Haven way.  Products for your home, children, skin, hair, body, and beauty needs, as well as the highest quality essential oils…all made locally here in RI, in our USDA certified organic facility. (Read more about our Product Excellence, safety, and quality standards).
  • It’s easier than you think to be an ingredient detective when you’re shopping. You’ve learned to read food labels to meet your nutrition needs. You can do the same for your home and personal care products. This Ingredients to Avoid list is a great tool that lays out all of the worst offenders on the toxic charts. Simply bring it with you shopping, avoid the ingredients listed, and you’re on the right path to reducing toxins in your home.
  • You don’t have to do it all at once. Change doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Start simple. What are the products you use absolutely every single day? Shampoo, soap, deodorant, toothpaste… Think about the difference you can make in your health just by switching out a couple of products that you use constantly. You can add things gradually. No need to do a mass overhaul unless you're truly on a mission.
  • You can arm yourself with knowledge. Knowing what to avoid, why, and the impact small changes can make are the keys to a healthier you, a healthier home, and even a healthier planet. The Pure Haven Essentials website , and your local consultant are great sources of information.
  • Pure Haven Essentials Independent Consultants are here for you for any question or need you might have. We can help you decide where to start, give product advice, help with orders or any customer service needs, provide some tips and tricks, or even be your personal shopper so you don’t have to even think about what gift to get! Every one of us is a small business owner, so by shopping through an independent consultant, you are supporting small business and helping families achieve their goals and dreams. Now that’s some good karma! 
  • You can shop right online, and your products will be shipped in just a couple of days. We’ve always got a monthly freebie with a $95+ order, and there’s even more opportunities for free and discounted products if you place a larger group order!
  • You contact me anytime for more info on products, shopping, hosting a party or group order, or to inquire about our $99 business opportunity. Browse my website , email me at, or call/text me at 401-447-6635.


The good news is that Pure Haven Essentials is a safe, effective choice you never have to second-guess, stress or worry about. We’re in the business of doing good, and we’re all about making your world, your home and our world together a safer place to be. Doesn’t that just give you the warm fuzzies? Spread a little love and tell a friend about Pure Haven today!


Move of The Week: Deadlift Warmup

Whether you've been working out for years, or are just starting, today's move is a great refresher for technique. It utilizes a foam roller, which can be found at almost every gym or gym store. It's inexpensive and has a million uses so it may even be worth grabbing one for yourself at home. This warmup move helps you focus in your glutes, lats and core to ensure you're body is working how it needs to for deadlifts. Deadlifts, or single leg deadlifts, are often a move that is performed wrong which can lead to injuries. However, when performed right, deadlifts are an excellent exercise as they work more muscles than any other exercise in one shot, including upper back, lats, and legs. 

Check out video below to help get your body in proper form the next time you lift!


No Equipment Warm Up and Full Body Exercise

We're back this week and we have a series of exercises that yet again don't involve any equipment. All you need is a bench, or chair or other flat surface off the ground. 

We begin with a warm up designed to stretch out your hips and upper body all while getting them ready to work. Following the warm up is a series of pushups (a classic but always good), regular squats (again sometimes the traditional moves are the best), scalp pushups (to really work those shoulders), and split squat (get ready for screaming quads). 

Between our blog last week and this week you should now have a set of exercises to get your heartrate up and your muscles pumping all without using any gym equipment. Now, there really is no excuse to get up and get going!


No Equipment Leg Circuit

One of those people that simply loves fall? Getting outdoors as often as you can to enjoy the last legs of the beautiful weather? Today we've got a leg circuit that you can do in the backyard, park, open field or wherever you have a little bit of room.  It starts with a few good stretches to get you loose and ready to go. Then that's followed up with a circuit of squat jumps, reverse lunges, squats, side lunges and the finished with glute bridges. 

Not only will you be working your glutes, inner and outer thighs and quads for some great legs, but you'll be jacking up your heart rate for fat burn and cardio.


Move of the Week: Bi's and Tri's with Only 5lb Weights

Almost everyone has a set of light weights at home (and if you don't you can get them super cheap at a variety of places like Marshall's of 5 Below). We often think of those super light weights as great for working our shoulders with something like a fly or an overhead press. As you build up those muscles pushing large weights over your head may not be accessible so you start with the lower weight. However, when it comes to doing classic moves like Bicep or Tricep curls we immediately think that 5lb weights aren't going to do us any good unless we stand there and do 30 or 40 reps (and ain't nobody got time for that). 

Well, we're here to show you that you can get a super burn by making just a few small adjustments. Now you can work those bi's and tri's without going out to buy a whole new set of weights.


Move of the Week: Full Body Exercise Ball Workout

Even though it's after Labor Day, summer is not over! With temperatures in the 80's this week, chances are you're still going to be wearing those shorts, tank tops and dresses, which means you have to keep all those parts looking good! Today we're featuring 2 exercises you can do on a ball that will work your entire body.

The first is called a Reverse Hyper and focuses on your glutes and hamstrings. Remember to keep your core tight and squeeze your glutes at the top for maximum impact.

The second is called "Stir The Pot" and is not only excellent for your entire core but will get your shoulders firing and looking great in those tank tops.


Jtab Programming Part 2(Day 2)

Last blog post we discussed Day 1 (Sheet 1) of how Jtab formats a program for one of Joey's clients.  This week we will break down Day 2 (Sheet 2). 


Day 2 is a Full Body workout with Lower Body Pull and Upper Body Push emphasis. Day 2 normally starts with an upper body power drill and immediately goes into a drill that either helps hip mobility, hinge work for the deadlifts that are coming, or an upper back activation drill to make the rest of your workout better. 

Section 1- Power Exercise -  3-5 reps for 2-3 sets

1a) Explosive Face Pulls.  Why?  This drill helps wake up the upper body and create a power output on the upper body as well.  This will help set up the rest of the workout as we need the upper back muscles to be firing on all cylinders for heavy deadlifts, etc. 

1b) Lower Trap Activation.  Why?  This piggy backs on the last exercise as it helps fire up the correct upper back muscles so we can use them when we deadlift and press. 

Section 2- Strength Exercises for the day. These are opposite movements from Day 1's exercises.  These also include a third exercise for hip mobility or core activation.  Just like Day 1 strength section we try to stay low reps (about 3-4) so we can go heavier on these.

2a) Trap Bar Deads.  Why?  Trap bar deads are one of the better hinge assisted drills to create strong hips, glutes and hamstrings and upper backs.  It also teaches clients how to correctly pick things up off the floor, something that happens all the time at home and at work. 

2b) Push Press.  Why?  We need to work on our pushing muscles and with this exercise you lift overhead, creating strong pushing muscles.  This offers a good opposite movement to the trap bar deadlift which is why we do them back to back. 

2c) Lateral Lunge Stretch.  Why?  Deadlifts tend to make your adductors tight and many just have tight adductors in general so this drill will help stretch them out. 

Section 3- This is the higher rep range (about 12-15 reps) group of 5 exercises done back to back. This will create further hypertrophy and crank fat loss as a result. 

3a) Band Pulldowns. Why?  This is a great exercise to keep tension on the lats in a vertical pulling fashion, like a pull-up.  Bands allow you to do high reps without breaking form.  This spot is reserved for all different kinds of pulling exercises since we just did heavy pressing in the strength section.  We all need to pull more than push and this helps keep it a pull heavy program.

3b) Quadruped Leg Raises.  Why?  This exercise will get those glutes cranking and sore without any loading on the spine since we already did heavy deadlifts before.  Most people can stand to do high rep direct glute work towards the end of their program.  This spot is reserved for lower body exercises that either compliment or work as an antagonist to the heavy strength exercise.   

3c) 1/2 Kneeling LM Press.  Why?  This is a great overhead shoulder pressing variation that doesn't put as much stress on shoulders but you still helps you really work them.  This spot is reserved for all upper body pushing exercises while working on shoulder stability.  

3d) SLDL's. Single Leg Deadlifts.  Why?  This is a great core balancing and hamstring/glute exercise that again deloads your spine but still gives you a great hamstring/glute workout.  This spot is reserved for single leg work, either pushing or pulling.  I try to figure which the client needs to work on.   

3e) Farmer's Walks(1,2).  Why?  This is a great exercise for either fat burning/conditioning and posture and grip work.  Loading bilaterally (one arm) while walking and loaded 1 forces those abs to work to keep yourself walking straight and not tilting to one side.  This spot is usually reserved for core exercises or hitting some triceps in the back of your arms. 


The Jtab Programming

Here at Jtab Training we believe that everyone deserves their own, individualized program. While the trainers here have access to all sorts of fancy, state of the art, professionally built programs,  sometimes it’s the simple ones that are the most impactful for beginners.  I would say beginners are first stepping into the gym to the 5 years of strength training seriously. Let me break down why I believe in these programs and how I came to create them.

Just about 2 years ago I decided to move into a bigger gym (Happy 2 Year Anniversary to Me!) and with that I knew I needed a better “plan” for my clients.  The space would be bigger, there would be more people training at once (also called semi-private training which is a blog for another day), and more clients overall.  It was then that I started to put my brain on creative mode and made the 2 Day template I use for most of my clients (Whether they do both days in one week or rotate week-to-week).  Each day is both a full body strength and hypertrophy/conditioning workout.  Broken down below is a sample of a Day 1 from a female that is about 2 years into serious strength training.  I wanted to take the time to explain the WHY’s, WHAT’s and WHEN’s of the program template I decided to create for my clients.  Any questions on the program please feel free to contact me about it.  

Day 1 Full Body with Lower Push and Upper Pull Strength Focus

Section 1 - Power exercise in the 3-5 rep range for 2-3 sets

1a) Banded KB Swings.  Why?  A few reasons…  As we get older we lose power output and one of the only ways to get it back is to work on explosive exercises.  Day 1 is usually a lower body power exercise while Day 2 tends to be an upper body power exercise to get one of each in each program.  It also strikes the central nervous system to get ready for the rest of the workout.  Here we have KB Swings with a band under feet attached to the bell.  This creates a crazy explosive hip hinge, relaxes the hip flexors and fires up the glutes and hamstrings (which most people, especially females, need help with). 

1b) Hip In/External.  This spot is usually reserved for some hip mobility or stability and/or some core activation.  This exercise will help mobilize internal and external range of motion through hip capsule.

Section 2 - The almighty strength portion of the day, where the reps are under 5 and we are trying to get as strong as possible. 

2a) Zercher Squats.  This is a little known squat variation that really gets that core firing like crazy while still getting in a squat pattern.  It also doesn’t load the spine as much making it a bit safer than most squat variations.  We vary the sets and reps each week slightly to get even heavier or more volume week by week.

2b) 1 Arm Dumb Bell Rows.  This is a great upper back/lat exercise that can be used in any section of a template.  Here it is in the strength section so the goal for her this month is to go as heavy as she can for those low reps to really build up that pulling power.  Unilateral work also builds up contralateral abdominal strength which is great for minimizing lower back pain from life. 

2c) Anti-Rotary Stab.  No we are not stabbing anyone here.  This is an anti-rotation stability core exercise to further assist with both of those other lifts and to get some more “core” work in. 

Section 3 and 4 - The next 2 sections (broken up into groups of 3 exercises each) are for more mid level strength work and also for some hypertrophy and conditioning work in the 8-10 rep range (try doing a challenging exercise for 10 hard and heavy reps and see how hard you are breathing afterwards!). 

3a) Incline Bench.  We are hitting some pushing (upper push section) muscles this time after pulling for heavy strength earlier (1 Arm DB Rows). 

3b) Frog Pump w/Dumb Bell.  This is a new exercise to me made popular by the Glute Guy, Dr. Bret Contreras.  It is another version of a loaded glute bridge to hit glute meds.  This spot is reserved to hit the glutes and legs again in an opposing fashion as the heavy strength lift (Zercher Squat) for the day.  We all need more glute work!

3c) L-Sit Holds(leg lift/abs).  This section is for more core work and/or more scapular work, both things needed in our society of bad posture and lower back problems. 

4a) Meadows Rows.  This spot is reserved for more upper pulling work to again work on a stronger more muscular upper back and back shoulders.  We all want a stronger upper back for many reasons (another blog post for another time).  This also gets us doing uni-lateral (one arm at a time) work to fight any imbalances we might have. 

4b) Kettle Bell Rope Curls.  This spot is reserved for many different ab exercises or the ever popular bicep muscles, ‘cause who doesn’t want better biceps?  This is a fun variation of the classic cable bicep curl since we don’t have a cable machine here.

4c) SB Rollouts.  This spot is reserved for again more core work if not done in 4b or some great functional farmer carry variations.  Farmer carries can be done for a warmup at beginning of a program or at the end for conditioning/core/grip work.  These rollouts work the anti-extension function of your abs (they are for more than crunching!). 

Day 1 ends up being a full body with every major body motion being challenged in one way or another.  Next week I will write up Day 2 using this same person’s sheet so you can see the flow of a well thought out program.         

5 Things Coach Joey Learned at the Perform Better Summit

Last week we brought you Coach Matt's 5 take home notes from the Perform Better 3 Day Summit in Providence, RI and this week I (Coach Joey) am bringing you my top 5.

1) Detox by Robert Yang. Mr. Yang talked about different ways to detox and cleanse your body.  We are inundated with millions of toxins everyday from the air we breath to the food we eat, which is why we need to detox daily.  His simple, yet tried and true, approaches are to a) sweat daily, b) don't use anti-antiperspirant, c) use green household products, and d) eat as organic as possible (which he stated is not a fad and really important to consider).    

2) Training by Mike Boyle's Group.  Mike Boyle's group of trainers always focus on safe performance based training and included many ways to train your legs without bilateral squatting, which may be difficult for some people.  They train many professional athletes so it's extra important they consider reducing injuries while training.  Jtab already incorporates many of these practices to keep patients safe yet make them strong, but we were excited to learn even more ways to train those with injuries or sensitivities.   

3) Big Toe Importance by Emily Splichal.  Dr Emily (a foot doctor) talked about the importance of creating that steady base with your big toe.  She hammered the importance of "short foot" to create stability and balance.  Dr. Emily is a big proponent of barefoot training to increase sensory stimulation on the bottom of your feet. Check out more from her below:


4) Internet Marketing and Local Networking by Rachel Cosgrove.  I attended this lecture to improve on my weaknesses with business.  Rachel talked about different approaches to make network marketing more effective to grow your business.  She also touched on networking with other local companies to establish a bigger presence in the community.  I will be trying to use some of these great tips to increase my business. 

5) Back to Basics Warmup Calisthenic Routine by Charlie Weingroff.  Dr. Charlie is one of the guys when you see him you would think he's as stiff as a nail.....  'cause he looks about as strong as a brick wall.  His talk was about warming up the general population with basic calisthenics to get their core temp raised to become more pliable/mobile/flexible.  During his talk on stage he likes to get into a split while talking and simply remind people you can be "flexible" and "strong as an ox" together.  He used simple toe touch and lateral lunge progressions to warm up the body.  I will be adding his simple approach into some small group classes soon.

5 Things Matt Learned From Perform Better's 3 Day Summit 7/15-7/17

On today's blog we're all about getting our learn on. So we're bringing in trainer and coach Matt Prez to share the top 5 things he learned from the Perform Better's Conference last weekend. Keep an eye out next week for Coach Joey's top 5 take-aways.

1) Rachel Cosgrove spoke to us trainers about marketing tips and how to get out in the community more. She used a wheel to demonstrate the marketing tools that are beneficial for our industry. We came back pumped and ready to find new ways to get the brand out there and reward our clients. Look for Jtab to be making some positive noise in the community in the near future! 

2) Martin Rooney's emphasis on igniting the fire within clients with his great motivational speeches.   Martin is one of the most passionate trainers out there and his speeches show it and motivate all the trainers that listen to him to be better at coaching and insisting top effort in their clients, which is something Matt can't wait to bring back to the gym. He also had a new Hurricane workout that Matt crushed and crushed him at 8am Saturday haha.  Look for parts of it(or all of it) in Matt's Saturday bootcamps and training sessions soon!  

3) Craig Liebenson's talk was very interesting.  He has a non-traditional approach to chiropractic care.  His talk was focused on training the client and not only using rehab protocols.  This speaks to Jtab's philosophy of customized workouts geared towards every individual client and need. He showed and talked about great, new ways to get the client's core "reset" from exercise, that didn't just rely on traditional rehab techniques.  Craig really thinks outside the box and so does Matt and the trainers at Jtab. 

4) Sue Falsone was the first female ever in the MLB to work as a head trainer/physical therapist.  Her talk was about pain, chronic and acute, and knowing how to deal and treat people with chronic pains.  She dove into the physiology behind people's pain and how to use different cues to interact with clients.  This is an on-going work in progress as everyone that we see in the gym has different pain triggers and different past experiences that bring on certain responses to stress/pain.  

5) John Graham talked about training the youth athlete and having specialized forms and evaluations for them.  John believed in using different eval's for youth athletes compared to adults.  Keep an eye out for more notes from Matt on this topic, as training middle school and HS athletes at Jtab Training is a huge priority..    

Look back next week to get Coach Joey's top 5 take home notes from this incredible Seminar.